101 Common Sense Rules For Managers

There is no question the key to a successful team is good leadership. Could we possibly add to this exhaustive list? No one will be happy if your team has to rush around at the last minute to complete a project. Follow these tips to make deadlines less stressful for everyone. The Manager’s Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders – [InsideCRM]

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 62 words · Edward Roy

11 Amazing National Parks For Thrillseekers

This list provides information (and links) to 11 national parks that are some of the most exciting, remote, and unexplored locations. Get ready to pack your bags and check out some parks that will feed the adventure-seeker’s soul. 1. Arches, Utah Outdoor enthusiasts will find unlimited activities to enjoy in this surreal landscape. From four-wheeling, canyoneering, backpacking, mountain biking, and rock climbing to photography and stargazing, thrill-seeking opportunities abound in this desert landscape on the expansive Colorado Plateau....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 826 words · Karen Moreland

11 Habits That Will Make Your Life Simpler

Here are 11 habits that I have adopted over the years that have contributed to making my life easier, and a lot happier! Give Your Kids a Routine To many parents, living with routine is a normal part of life. It took me until the birth of my third child to accept and adopt routines. I was 24 when I had my first child, too young and cool to accept structure in my life....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 775 words · Kathleen Willoughby

11 Realizations That Defined You Leaving Your Hometown

1. You can go somewhere without everyone knowing you. Growing up, your family was involved in the community or neighborhood or some friend group. You knew this because you couldn’t go anywhere without running into someone who recognized you, at which point you had to conjure up your best no-I-swear-I’m-actually-happy-to-see-you face. After leaving your hometown, you had this strange feeling whenever you went out. Eventually you realized that strange sensation was feeling relaxed because you no longer had to worry about who you would run into at the restaurant....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 935 words · Bernard Coleman

12 Signs You Ve Found Your Once In A Lifetime Friend

You’re inseparable and you love each other – here are 12 signs with which you can confirm that you’ve found your once in a lifetime friend. 1. You Have No Filter With Each Other You both know each other’s grossest, most embarrassing stories, so you can be 100% open with each other. You know what they have for tea last night, and they know about the time you wet yourself when you were five....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 718 words · Roland Jolly

12 Things To Know About The New Facebook Ello

1. Ello is invite only Your way to one of internet’s hottest new invite-only clubs is actually only an invite away from another Ello user. You are good if you know a person already on Ello, otherwise wait till the site owners start accepting new users again. Cautionary note: Don’t ask for invites on the Ello sub-Reddit, since that can get you banned! 2. Ello is not for everybody 3....

January 27, 2023 · 3 min · 485 words · Stefanie Murray

12 Ways To Help Someone Change

1. Recognize that This is Not Your Decision Accept and honor the agency of the person you love. Ultimately, the decision to change rests in their hands, not yours. You can open the door, but you cannot force anyone to walk through it. 2. Accept Imperfections Resist the urge to ignore or deny your loved one’s human frailties. You may not be able to condone specific choices that they’ve made, but you can learn to talk about those choices in a matter-of-fact way, as events that have happened....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 970 words · Lucy Nixon

13 Freelancers Good And Bad Which Are You

See what you’re doing wrong, and what you’re doing right, and make those changes that will work for you. 13 Breeds Of Freelancer And How To Up Your Game – [FreelanceSwitch]

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 31 words · Samuel Clark

13 Useful Hacks To Bolster Your Personal Growth

Confidence Pose If you ever need a boost to your confidence to help you power through your day, adopt a powerful pose, and feel your testosterone rise and your cortisol (stress hormone) fall. Check out Amy Cuddy’s TED talk here for more. Benjamin Franklin Effect There’s a little trick called the Benjamin Franklin Effect that says if someone does you a favor, they will like you more as a result....

January 27, 2023 · 6 min · 1134 words · Charlene Gutierrez

14 Foods To Help You Get A Better Nights Sleep

Whether you find yourself tossing or turning through the night, or have simply got into the habit of sleeping during the day and staying up all night, the fact is that you’re not alone. However, the benefits of getting a proper night’s sleep are clear for everyone to see. According to this article from Health, sleep can benefit everything from our memories to our creativity and boost athletic and academic performance, and even our life expectancy!...

January 27, 2023 · 3 min · 526 words · Wendell Pesqueira

14 Questions The Person You Marry Should Know The Answer To

1. Why do you love me? This sounds like a broad question but honestly, love is so selfish. It takes a lot to love someone and there’s always a reason why their love for you outweighs how they feel about anyone else. You can’t just love someone for no reason and if the person you marry says, “because I do” or “I don’t need a reason,” then that’s honestly just bullshit....

January 27, 2023 · 6 min · 1235 words · Jana Brandy

14 Signs You Re Not Protecting Your Online Privacy

1. You haven’t disabled location services on your mobile device Android and iOS both have a system built in that allows applications to poll your location when they need to. You may have noticed this before when you post to Facebook and it says “near there” where “there” is your city name. Pretty much any device on mobile networks can poll your location whenever it wants, so most of your apps (and their companies) know where you are....

January 27, 2023 · 9 min · 1866 words · Leone Kleine

15 Do S And Don Ts When Dating

Some guidance on dating wouldn’t go a miss I’m sure, so have a read on to see how you can use my advice to make a good impression and maybe a second date. Behold my friends……the 15 do’s and don’ts when dating. 1. DO Turn up on time. Imagine that for every minute you are delayed your date will be thinking about how the possibility of them being stood up....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 852 words · Stephanie Britt

15 Must Have Items For Men To Look Fresh And Professional

What we wear doesn’t define who we are, people often say this, but nobody can deny that a road to success starts with a sleek suit (and usually finishes with a fancy watch). Being well groomed is, therefore, important for acing the job interview, closing a business deal and conciliating new clients and partners. Also, it’s easy and fun and it doesn’t always have to be expensive. Here’s what you need to look modern, fresh and professional....

January 27, 2023 · 11 min · 2317 words · Donald Dempsey

15 Obvious Signs That You Are A Writer

Regardless of where you find yourself, one thing is never absent from your side–some form of writing material, whether it’s paper and a pen, or a digital memo. Some people think it weird but, to you, it’s just the way you are. Ever since you learned the difference between the letters ‘A’ and ‘B’, you’d rather write it than say it. It’s almost as if you were born…differently. The truth is you actually are....

January 27, 2023 · 6 min · 1185 words · Velma Alexander

15 Pictures To Illustrate The Life Of A Homebody

2. You don’t have to get out in inclement weather. 3. You can exercise in the comfort of your own home. 4. You can observe nature while never leaving the comforts of your home. 5. You get to hang out with your furry friends. 6. Wearing shoes is optional. 7. Your favorite hot beverage is just steps away. 8. You have time to pick flowers around your yard. 9. You have time to daydream....

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 136 words · Maureen Garner

15 Quotes From 15 Inspiring Female Artists

Here is a list of 15 exceptional females who have done exceptional work in their fields. The timespan of these quotes ranges over the last century. Some of these women were the wives and partners of famous men, but all are powerful, fabulous, and utterly individual. These women made no excuses for themselves or their work. They proceeded with courage, determination, and pride, often in the face of obstruction. Let their wise words inspire your day....

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 89 words · Virginia Hadley

15 Signs You Re Doing Better You Think You Are

We are all our worst critics, especially when it comes to judging how we measure up against what we initially set out to do. We don’t keep in mind that success is not the end goal, but a journey to something bigger than yourself. Even if you haven’t accomplished one thing on your bucket list this year, you’re doing better than you think you are. Don’t write yourself off just yet....

January 27, 2023 · 7 min · 1305 words · Jimmie Swanson

15 Smart Things Every 20 Something Should Do To Get The Most Out Of Life

2. Change your attitude to money When you’re a kid, it can sometimes all be about flashing the cash, particularly if you’ve listened to too many rap songs. Money is not an aim in itself – learn that it’s something you need to live on, not something to make for the sake of it. 3. Find your own path As teens, most people wanted desperately to fit in and be just like their friends....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 879 words · Margery Miller

15 Things Only A Homebody Would Understand

1. Most of your best days are spent alone. Solitude is an introvert’s caffeine, and it can only be assured when you are at home. The Boston Globe reported on a Harvard study, which showed people form more lasting and accurate memories when they are experiencing something alone. 2. You love to meditate alone. Did you know that meditation can reduce depression? A team of John Hopkins researchers found in 47 clinical trials that meditation can ease anxiety, depression, and many types of pain....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 844 words · Carol Sullivan