1. They don’t gossip

Work should be treated as work. You really don’t have any business sticking your nose into other people’s personal affairs. Doing this doesn’t help you get the attention of others as the most concerned or interesting person to be with. Rather you end up hurting other people’s feelings and you could be made to look negative and spiteful.

2. They don’t come to work late

According to a study it was discovered that bosses found employees who came to work early as more conscientious and productive than employees who came late to work even when they all worked the same number of hours throughout the day. Successful workers understand the importance of showing up to work early.

3. They don’t multitask

Multitasking is a killer of productivity. To get more out of anything you are doing you need to focus on one task at a time. According to studies, although our brains can juggle a lot of activities at once, you really concentrate on one task at once to get the best results you can get.

4. They don’t take their mental and physical health for granted

There is a reason why sleep is important for you. It affords you the opportunity to be recharged and get the body mentally charged for the next day’s task. Successful people at work do not take their mental and physical health for granted. They get enough sleep, eat healthy and stay physically fit through regular exercise.

5. They don’t go the long haul

Successful people at work appreciate that they have to take breaks. Taking breaks affords them the opportunity to recharge their batteries and experience less stress or fatigue. During short or long period of vacations they can actually think creatively and work towards becoming better employees.

6. They don’t steal other people’s credit

Successful people are satisfied with their work. They don’t need to steal other people’s idea to feel validated for the good work they are doing. If they have to take credit for anything they have done, it has to be for the input they have put into a task or a project.

7. They don’t boast about their achievements

Successful people believe more in walking the walk rather than simply talking and creating a noise. Even if they are very resourceful and have accomplished so much during their stay at the company, they display a strong mentality by letting their achievements speak for them.

8. They don’t tell lies

No employer or workmate likes a liar who constantly back-stab other members of the team. In fact integrity and character is one of the most sought after trait by many employers. Successful workers know these and they endeavor to improve on this admirable quality rather than paint the workplace with lies.

9. They don’t react with a burst of emotions

Successful people at work know how to manage their emotions and keep aggravated situations in check. Rather than reacting to events with fierce actions such as screaming, shoving or throwing things, they control their emotions in such a way that whoever has hurt you will end up looking bad.

10. They don’t take themselves too seriously

For some it is all about work, work, and work. Although this is great, it tends to give people an impression that you are so serious that you may be unapproachable and not friendly. Besides with work comes a lot of stress. Successful people know how to navigate their work territory and make others feel calm when they are present. Featured photo credit: http://www.flickr.com via flickr.com