1. They speak as eloquently as their clothing

Audrey avoided conflict and was a pleasure to work with during her career as an actress. Famous stars including the handsome Carey Grant gushed over the opportunity to work with Audrey. He once was quoted saying, “All I want for Christmas is another picture with Audrey Hepburn.” Yet as she explains, How she spoke about others in a positive light is what mattered most and it was reflected back in the high praise other celebrities and producers had of her. She spoke as eloquently as her clothing. Regardless of how people talk, act, or treat you, the important thing to remember is that we are all a constant work in progress. How we speak about others is a true reflection of how we feel, view, and treat ourselves. What have you been saying lately?

2. They are not defined by worldly standards or definitions

It is posted all over the internet; they sell it on the cover of magazines, and display it on our social media devices. The media has us believe that a woman’s charm is something that can only be measured by her physique and ability to lure a man into the bedroom. Audrey eloquently counters the ongoing struggle woman face in these three simple sentences. To this day famous women of all ages, shapes, and sizes carry on her feminine charm in their style and attitude from Anne Hathaway to Sandra Bullock. Human sexuality and women are both gifts and in the purest sense expressions of feminine love; rather than believing that it is the only way to express ones womanliness think about all of the beauty and warmth you have seen and felt from the women in your life in platonic contexts. Did you feel the presence of a charming woman? Numbers on a scale or a definition in a dictionary do not define one’s ability to express feminine charm. Women are lovely and feminine by simply being, and that is the genius of being a woman- undefined by worldly standards.

3. They are forgiving

They say it was the most devastating experience in her life. Audrey’s parents divorced when she was six years old. Her father left the family as a supporter for the Nazi regime. Yet, years later, Audrey found it within her heart to find her father after World War II and financially supported him. Her humility and grace once again shines for all to see. Famous people all have difficulties in their lives just like everyone else. Miley Cyrus watched her parents divorce and felt its crushing stings. As a bystander we cannot judge, but we can only hope she too is able to see the wisdom passed down by past stars such as Audrey. Audrey explains, No human in our lives should ever be cast aside. We are all on a journey and it is in our forgiveness that we are able to welcome others to its same redemptive powers.

4. They possess a childlike innocence and are optimists.

She had a playfulness that had people wrapped around her every sentence. The photographs on Telegraph.com and the words she spoke prove her childlike innocence. Who would not be smitten with a woman who says, It often reminds one of the optimism of her optimism continues to inspire us all. Happiness is found where the optimist resides, and often we see that with the innocence of a child playing, skipping, kissing, and hugging. Those who accept what is placed before them with joy and sense of humor, believe in brighter days to follow, and of course wear a little pink will surely see the greatest miracle unfold; the miracle of living a fulfilling life as a child in every stage of their life.

5. They value the importance of family

Audrey never got caught up in the glitz and glamor of show business. She took on a few major roles that had brought her much fame, but as they say there is no business like show business; which only meant work would come and go. She, however, had her priorities straight as she firmly stated, Although it is rare, there are still celebrities who value the importance of family, regardless of their other choices in life. Our careers should never define us. They put bread on the table and hopefully give us the chance at enjoying some of the luxuries of life, but at the end of the day the only thing that really matters are the ones we build our lives with.

6. They have a go-getter’s attitude and a believer’s faith

Audrey was passionate about dancing, particularly ballet. Though she did not become a career ballerina her first role as an actress was as a prodigy ballerina in the hit movie Secret People in 1952. She was discovered on set by famous Hollywood director, William Wyler who went on to cast her as the leading lady in the classic film Roman Holiday. The rest is history – or as she concluded, We all have dreams of a certain career or vocation sharing our gifts and passions. As Audrey shows us, these gifts can be used in more ways than one. God is able to work through us as long as we are open and act with conviction to see our story unfold. Never stop working towards your goals and with faith everything will fall into place.

7. They are open and receive with gratitude

Her life was not always charming as she openly stated, She suffered greatly during World War II from malnourishment, anemia, and edema (swelling of the legs). The cards she was dealt did not stop her from living life with an open grateful heart. Our current circumstances do not dictate our future. A prime example is the brilliant author of the “Harry Potter” series, J.K. Rowling. She was a single poor and destitute mother who through an open mind to what was placed before her was able to produce one of the greatest series of books turned movies. Do not allow doubts or fears build a barrier between you and living life. We can accomplish much in our lives; sometimes we must seek it out, but more times than not it will seek us at the right time and place.

8. They are nurturers

Audrey had an empathy and fiery passion for her humanitarian work as an ambassador for UNICEF. It was here she supported the needs of children of third world countries. Audrey admitted, There are countless examples of famous people supporting a  favorite cause from the great Oprah Winfrey building a leadership academy in South Africa to Angelina Jolie and her humanitarian work to help refugees in war ravaged nations. What Audrey explains however, is so very precious. All of us need to receive as much as we give affection. The nurturer knows inside it feels as good to receive but far better to give. No human should go through life without feeling the love, warmth, and care of another. It brings more faith, more hope, more trust, and more love into our much thirsting world. We are born to love and be loved in turn and nurturing is one way in which we can share this love with one another.

9. They give genuine eye contact and smile

They show the undoubtedly beautiful Audrey in photographs in her younger years. Celebrities such as Taylor Swift continue to find inspiration in her aesthetic appeal. What was most attractive, however, was her ability to woo the onlooker with her smiling eyes. Something special was behind that gaze, and here she reveals what that was to us explaining, She was sharing the doorway to her heart, where her love resided. It is inspirational to look at a photograph of a woman and immediately be captivated by her eyes. There is not greater fashion statement than a woman who gives eye contact and smiles. The mysterious beauty and love within each and every woman can heal the most broken of hearts. When woman look away in shame, fear, or lack of confidence we are robbing the world of the love we have to share. Give a little more eye contact and smile and feel its heart melting powers.

10. They find their beauty routine in other places than the makeup aisle

The forgiveness of her father after the war, the smiles she brought to an innumerable amount of children suffering in poverty, and the adoration Hollywood continues to have of her; we know her beauty routine was more extensive than a little mascara and rouge. Many celebrities that grace the cover of magazines and walk the red carpet also hold that special something that enhances their already external beauty and charm. An article on www.CNN.com  on America’s current sweetheart, Sandra Bullock make Audrey proud. She too has been through hardships, but continues to give back to the community, speaks with kindness, and values her privacy living life with her family. It fully exemplified  what Audrey most famously said, Once again we learn the beauty and poise of a woman cannot be bought, but rather fully discovered in her words and actions. No better beauty advice has ever been given. It is no easy task to be as iconic as the lovely Audrey, but as she fully reminds us; Featured photo credit: Audrey Hepburn/Skeeze via pixabay.com