Beauty comes within yourself. Beauty can come from the outer self too, but that is a different thing. For that, you would need hell lot of stuffs that go by the name of Make-up. Now make-up is a temporary solution to make you look gorgeous. Honestly, I am fond of make-up as well, and like all other women, wouldn’t imagine going to parties, or invites without dolling up myself. But apart from these, I usually refrain myself from putting all those chemicals on my face. Nowadays, all women are beautiful, thanks to make-up. But there are few women who can actually sport gorgeousness without using cosmetics. You may want to know the differences, and the reasons behind all these. Well, does glamorizing yourself with face paint actually bring out your true beauty, your true self? Not really. Here are the signs of what gorgeous women are without make-up.

1. They are confident

Ask any woman about what builds her confidence, and she would instantly answer in the way she looks. Many women believe that putting make-up would make her look prettier, thus gaining more confidence. But it is the women without make-up who actually, in true sense, are confident. They have the courage to step out in the open, and face the world in their true self. These women know how to accept, and welcome their faulty skins/ no faulty skins. And these women are comfortable in her own skin.

2. They embrace natural beauty

You are naturally beautiful when you are yourself. And when you are yourself, your inner beauty blooms. Inner beauty can’t shine through make-up. These gorgeous women know this. Hence, they stay away from cosmetics. They also know how much people admire a natural beauty. The more natural you stay, the more attractive you are.

3. They sport healthier skin

Make-up is stashed with chemicals of many kinds. So, when you are wearing them altogether, can you imagine what torture your skin goes through? Therefore, women wearing no make-up sport healthier skin. Their skins breathe freely. And because they refrain from such chemicals, they tend to take care of their skins. Example, cleaning everyday. toning, and moisturizing. And drinking plenty of water.

4. They are never late

A significant advantage these gorgeous women are that they are never late for anything, be it work, or going out. They just drag themselves out, clean, eat, dress up, and head out. Another privilege they have: they are always prepared to go out. They never will make you wait for hour(s) to get ready. A woman takes around 20 minutes to 45 minutes doing make-up per day. Imagine, saving some 20 – 45 minutes of your time, and utilizing it in some other favorite activity.

5. They are sporty

Since they are always prepared to go out, anywhere and any time they want to, these kind of women tend to be on a sporty side. They don’t fear the sun, and how the melting of the make-up in the heat, they don’t fear the rain, the wind, or the cold. They take the right measures to prevent them from harsh weathers. This also implies that these ladies would not hesitate to participate in all kinds of adventures!

6. They are usually open-minded

You may wonder how this point is even relevant to the whole thing. Well, women who inclined to open their mind to learn new things, see the world with open eyes, and not be vain, are the ones who value life more than just a pretty face. They have time for all the worldly goods, instead of thinking about how to present oneself in the most attractive way, all the time.

7. They will charm you

These gorgeous women will charm you with their personality. How? Women who brush off make-up, and are brave enough to walk into the seminar room, for instance, are found to be more appealing to men. These ladies boost their attractiveness through their actions, rather than their looks.

8. They know how to save money

Because they are bold enough to roam around everywhere, doing everything without the slightest hint of beautifying themselves, they are also smart enough to cut down on spending excess money. Yes, since they don’t use cosmetics, they don’t buy them. And in that manner they save approximately around $2500 to $5000 per annum!

9. They are compassionate

Being compassionate is a way to come closer to a person. People usually like women who are down-to-earth, and who put themselves in other people’s shoes. This is an art not all women can expertise in. These ladies are normally trusted, and likeable by people. Maybe because they spend less time being narcissists. It is the care, the concern one feels is more important than a pretty made-up face.

10. They appreciate the littlest things in life

From all the above points, one thing can be drawn: gorgeous women who display no hint of make-up generally love life in the simplest form. They appreciate what is given to them, regardless of flaws. They enjoy the littlest things in life. They are outgoing, fun-loving, adventurous, down-to-earth, and care less about what others think of them. They believe in showing their talents through actions, rather than showing their pretty side. No one is saying that women who apply make-up are not gorgeous, or are always vain. But it is the natural beauties that are admired more. Whether it involves the men, or people in general, they are always comfortable around natural beauties. Next time, when you are heading out for girls’ movie date, or a simple grocery shopping, don’t wear make-up. Be the natural you.