1. He showed you how to be strong

One of the most important life lessons you learned from your older brother was the necessity of developing tough skin and fighting your own battles. From playground disputes to middle school drama, he was always there to show you the importance of standing up for yourself. Even as grown-ups he continues to encourage you to be strong, whether it is standing up to your boss or getting rid of a toxic friend.

2. He taught you the importance of healthy competition

Having an older brother as a mentor showed you that it’s important to be the best version of yourself in every task that you undertake, whether it’s securing a spot on the varsity soccer team in high school or getting your dream job. As adults, he continues to help you achieve your goals and calls you out when he thinks you can do better.

3. He highly influences your taste in music

One of the benefits of having an older brother is being able to discover great music through his impeccable taste. You might have not acknowledged it when you were younger, but now you fully appreciate having someone to recommend songs you should download for a stellar playlist that will brighten up your commute or your daily errands.

4. He taught you about the world

Having an older brother who had already had his fair share of life lessons is beneficial for you when you are seeking life advice. Whether you want to learn how to drive a car or need a different perspective on something, you know he will always be there for you when you need him. You know that you can always call him late at night, when you need someone else’s perspective on a problem.

5. He will defend you to the end of the world and back

Whether you needed someone to side with you while you were fending off the mean girls in middle school or needed an ex to take hike, he was always at the ready to be by your side and fight for your honor. Even now that you are older, he still takes the role of older protective brother quite seriously and always will.

6. He knows how to make you laugh

When you are having a bad day you know that calling him will be the perfect remedy to make you feel better. Your repertoire of inside jokes that you share with him is the ideal cure that you need when you are feeling blue. He also has always told you to not take yourself too seriously and that it is important to laugh at missteps that you have had that do not seem like a big deal in retrospect.

7. He knows how to really listen

Likewise, when you need someone to just to lend their ears and listen to your problems, you know he will always be there. When you were younger he always was there when you were having a bad day, knowing exactly what to say. You know he will always be on the other end of the line, while you vent about a fight that you had with your mom or a job interview that went south.

8. He patiently explains sports terms to you

When it seems like football is another language, he is always there to take the time to teach you the ins-and-outs of his favorite sport. After he is done explaining the rules, he is more than willing to demonstrate how it’s done through a game of catch or shooting some hoops.

9. He gives you an ideal example of what to look for in a partner

When you are in a romantic relationship, you always hold all the men you date to high standards due to always comparing them to your older brother. He taught you from an early age that it’s important to find a mate that respects women, one of the most valuable life lessons you have learned. You respect yourself when it comes to men because of him.

10. He tells you the truth

If something does not feel right he will let you know. Whether it’s a career choice or a personal decision you have made, it’s this level of honesty that allowed you to gain a large amount of respect for him as a person. You trust his advice because although it is hard to hear the truth at first, you know he is always right and that he comes from a place of love. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via pixabay.com