As much as I’ve tried to hide the impassioned side of me, it always finds a way to surface. As a theatre graduate, I spent four years with the most talented dramatic people around. We were crazy, but we were also showstoppers. Does that sound like you? As a life coach, I see people apologizing for being dramatic left and right. Who said being dramatic was always a bad thing? Dramatic people know how to take charge of their lives, and that’s beautiful to witness! Know a dramatic person? Are you pushing yourself or them off the stage? Here are 10 things to remember if you love a dramatic person, and if you don’t, then give us a second chance. Why?

1.  They love hard

No one wants to be loved softly. Think about that… it sounds lame. Who wants a weak kiss right before bed? Who wants a soft pat on the butt? You want someone who’s going to fiercely love you. Sure, they’ll embarrass the hell out of you in public with too much PDA, but you’ll never feel more violated in a loving way. We’re always ready to hold your hand so you’ll never feel alone.

2.  They bring you out of your shell

Dramatic people always bring out the best in others. So many of us are wandering around wearing masks, afraid to show our faces. Dramatic people have no problem showing their true selves to the world. The world is their stage and if you’re part of their show then you better be ready to perform as well. They have an uncanny ability to draw people out of their comfort zones and in doing so, push them to experience all of life’s pleasures.

3.  They live emotionally

According to Dr. John M. Oldham, “dramatic men and women live in an emotional world.” Sometimes you don’t want to hear all the drama, but hey, at least they’re willing to talk about it. Is it better to bottle up all the emotions until they spill over into some passive aggressive argument? No! Dramatic people express fully what they’re feeling in the moment.

4.  They entertain, even if you haven’t asked them to

Bored? Sad? Tired? Just give them a call and they’ll change your mood.  Research from The New Personality Self-Portrait shows that dramatic people love to be the center of attention. They’ll probably start singing for no good reason, ready to break up your mundane day. The best of the drama queens always have a tune running through their head. Why not share the joy? Everyone needs a little singing in his or her life. You can always count on them for entertainment.

5.   They are “fierce!”

In fact, it’s probably their favorite word! All day long they walk around and shout “fierce” whenever they’re “nailing it.” And they “nail it” everyday because they’ve gotta stay “fierce.” It’s a sick sweet cycle. Who doesn’t want to be “fierce?” Don’t apologize for your brilliance, the world needs more dramatic people like you to step into greatness. Note to self: just don’t get all cocky about it. Fierce humility is sexy!

6.  They support your vision

Research shows that dramatic people “eagerly respond to new ideas,” according to The New Personality Self-Portrait. If you want some pumping up about your next big project, tell a dramatic person about it. Even better, if you want some help, tell a dramatic person about it. You’ll be hard pressed to find a dramatic person whose spirit is not willing to say “yes.” Speak passionately about your idea and you’ll have another soul warrior on your team. They will go the extra mile for you, they will put in the hard work, and they will impress! They will also be extremely resentful later on if you make them do too much. Speaking from experience here! Use them wisely; they are wiser than they look.

7.  They will charm your socks off, even if you’re wearing sandals

Want to feel amazing about yourself? Hang around a dramatic person. They’ll either compliment you up and down about your stylish new summer haircut, or want to know where you got your new clothes. First time meeting? A little shy? No worries, they always know what to say to make you smile. They’ll lift your spirits so high that you might come right out of your socks.

8.  They want your attention

Some people think this is annoying. But what’s the alternative? Cold, innaffectionate, and stand-offish? Nah, I’d rather have someone who’s always overly excited to see me. I know sometimes they want too much from you, but that’s just because they love you! Anything wrong with that? They promise not to drool!

9.  They won’t ignore you

Isn’t it always nice to know they’re thinking about you? Admit it, you like the attention! A dramatic person will be the last person to ignore you because they can’t stand being ignored. They would rather talk to themselves then awkwardly sit in silence with you. Feeling lonely? Just go find someone talking to themselves, likely they’re a bit dramatic and would love to talk. And lastly…

10.  They are imagining the next big idea

Dramatic people tend to have “rich imaginations” according to Louis B. Morris and John M. Oldham. Imaginative ideas fly out of them almost as fast as they talk. Not only that, but they are readily willing to share their next blockbuster with anyone they come in contact with. Dramatic people have an infectious ability to inspire change in the world! Will you go along for the ride? Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via