Here are a few things to note about Type B people:

1. They’re laid back, not lazy

Type B personalities won’t be found taking copious notes during a class or meeting. They’re just not bothered if they don’t get all the information they need right away. They know that there will be many opportunities to get what’s needed before a big presentation or deadline, and they’re confident in their ability to get things done. While it may seem lazy or unprofessional to show up to a meeting without a pen and pad in hand, they simply take in information differently, and are able to discriminate between necessary and extraneous details on-the-fly. They analyze as they go and don’t get overwhelmed — which is precisely why they appear so laid back.

2. They prioritize differently

Type B personalities take in information differently. They listen to what’s being said and keep the most important points. The same goes for other aspects of life. They don’t need to clear out their email inbox every day. Their desk might look like a complete disaster, but they know where everything is without having to file it. Simply put, if Type B personalities were to organize their lives according to how a Type A person would have it, they might find themselves lost in a sea of orderliness.

3. They’re just not as bothered by certain things

While some people simply could not get to work if their desk was a complete mess, Type B people don’t let it bother them. They know they may need to clean up a bit, but they also know there will time for that later. They can separate tasks and focus on one thing at a time. They aren’t thinking about walking the dog or washing the car when they sit down to work. They know it’ll get done, and aren’t bothered by how long it will take to do so.

4. They’re quiet planners

Type B personalities don’t feel like they need to have immediate answers. In fact, they know that solving problems under undue stress will likely lead to failure. Yes, they understand how big the problem is. However, they also understand that it’s not the end of the world. No matter what the situation may be, they’ll figure it out if given adequate time and space. Just because they’re not freaking out doesn’t mean they don’t care; they just understand that freaking out will get them nowhere but running in circles.

5. They work smarter, not harder

Honestly, it cracks me up hearing people talk about pulling all-nighters to study or meet some sort of deadline. While others scramble to the last minute, Type B individuals are the ones sitting back, ready to hand in the project without all the stress. They don’t have extra time to work on it, they just find the most effective way to go about their work. They don’t get as overwhelmed, meaning they don’t spend precious time wondering how to go about completing something. They just use the most optimal resources available to get the job done.

6. They have their own methods of being organized

Why does it matter if their files aren’t in alphabetical order? Yes, in the long run it might help in some way, but the time spent organizing all of that paperwork is time that could have been spent actually using the paperwork. Think of it this way: If I consciously remember where I put all my important information, even if it’s “disorganized,” I’ll always know where it is.

7. They don’t dwell on problems

Type B personalities know they will find a solution to the problem at hand when they have time to think about it. Then, they can move on to another issue without getting stuck on the former. This may be why they can seem to be lazy or to avoid issues. They simply file it in their minds to be brought up at a more convenient time.

8. They know when a battle can’t be won

Type B personalities understand when they’re fighting a losing battle. Although they often march to the beat of their own drum, they also know that sometimes it’s worth it to fall in line and complete a task the way the boss wants it done. Of course, this goes back to prioritizing; if it’s something worth fighting for, they’ll fight for it. If not, they just let it go — cue the Disney song.

9. They’re sensitive, too

All the griping they hear about how “lazy” and “disorganized” they are just shows how little others pay attention to them. Okay, if I’m lazy and disorganized, and still managed to get my work done on time, what’s that say about you? Type A people at work can be awe-inspiring. I know I could never commit to being that organized, and would never be able to produce efficiently if I was that high-strung. On the other hand, some Type A people tend to look down on Type B personalities without taking a closer look at what they’ve accomplished.

10. They’re happy just the way they are

I know when I get home from a hard day’s work, I leave the work at work. It’s done until the next day. That doesn’t mean that Type B people blow off work when it needs to be done — they’ll put in the extra hours if the need arises. They don’t waste time with worrying when they should be focussing on time with friends, family, and all the other important aspects of life — and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Featured photo credit: Flickr via