In order for you to stay motivated you have to get rid of things that are weighing you down. Below you will find 10 things you need to drop in order to stay motivated.

1. You will need to drop the sense of entitlement

You are not entitled to anything in this world. We all have “started from the bottom.” Work hard to accomplish your goals. You got this.

2. You will need to drop stress

Stop stressing yourself out over things you can’t control. Reduce stress by keeping your mind, body and soul active. Exercise, play sports, get yourself a companion (animal), write, etc. We all have to deal with stress in our life. The key is how you deal with it. Learn how to ignore things that stress you out.

3. You will need to drop negativity

Focus on the positive and drop negativity. Dropping negativity means that you distance yourself from negative people and negative influences. Distance yourself from people that do not care about your dream. Learn how to combat negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

4. You will need to drop comparisons

Stop comparing yourself to other people. Focus on your life. Live your life. Comparisons can make you envious and jealous of others.

5. You will need to drop time management issues

A lot of people struggle with time management and blame this for the lack of motivation. Drop the time management issues and learn how to manage your time better. Check out this awesome list of one-minute time hacks.

6. You will need to drop impatience

Impatient people usually do not follow through with their plans. Do not become this person. Understand that it takes time, effort and energy to stay motivated. Visualize success on a daily basis.

7. You will need to drop the lazy attitude

Drop the lazy attitude and focus on your work ethic. Give 100% day in and day out. Become the person that people enjoy being around. Remind yourself that you are destined for greatness. Get up earlier. Do the harder tasks first. 

8. You will need to drop the ungrateful mindset

Drop the ungrateful attitude and be thankful for the life that you are living. Be thankful for where you are and where you will be in the future.

9. You will need to drop the serious mentality

Put a smile on your face. Laugh a little bit. Okay, so you have dealt with a few things in your life. But still, please stop being serious and live life. Enjoy the presence of others. Spend time with your family. Progress towards a bigger goal by making smaller, realistic goals.

10. You will need to drop the excuses

Drop the excuses. Nobody wants to hear them. Stop looking for people to blame. Stop pointing a finger at others and start pointing a finger at yourself. Look at the person in the mirror and address what is holding you back. We hope you enjoyed this motivational boost. If you find this information helpful please share it with your friends and family. What motivational drainers have you dropped during the month of July? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Featured photo credit: Keep It Up Sign Card/Steven Depolo via