1. The wealthy are okay with risk

Everything you do won’t be successful. The wealthy know that and refuse to let the inevitable possibility of failure stop them from being successful. They go ahead and fail, get back up and keep going. Don’t let fear of failing stop you from taking action.

2. The wealthy think investing is fun

The wealthy enjoy the process of making money. They’re excited to invest money into something that will bring  them more money. In fact, that gets them more excited than a vacation, a new car or a diamond-studded cat food bowl. They still enjoy those things, but they do so after they have invested a set amount of their earnings. Pick a percentage of your earnings to invest and do it as faithfully and with as much excitement as you buy your double caramel macchiato.

3. The wealthy live below their means

The wealthy enjoy luxury and impulse purchases, but never at the expense of the larger financial picture. They live below their means. They know that living beyond their means puts a strain on their finances and moves them away from their financial goals. If you want more stuff, don’t go into debt or spent savings, think like the wealthy think about money so you can make more money and raise your means, so that living within it is more fun.

4. The wealthy pay attention

The wealthy pay attention to where their money is going, where it’s coming from and if it’s getting bigger or smaller. They watch it like you watch a toddler at the mall. They know what’s going on with it and if they veer off course, they make changes. Keep your eye on your money. Look at account balances, income and expenses regularly and become more aware of your daily habits.

5. The wealthy know that money grows on trees

Well, not literally, but the wealthy know they can always make more money. There is always more to be had and it is in infinite supply. Money is just a representation of value. When value is created, money moves around – more money, more value. Add value to people’s lives and you will get money. It’s that simple.

6. The wealthy don’t chase money

The wealthy don’t do what they do for the money. They know that money is a great tool to help people, change the world, make more money and have a lot of fun in your limited time on earth. But they don’t see it as a goal in itself. They strive to achieve something bigger than money. Don’t make money your goal. Make your goal something more important and use money as a vehicle to get there and a reward for achieving it. 

7. The wealthy know money is not evil

Average people say they want more money, but deep down they believe it is an evil force that will make them do bad things. The wealthy know that money is just a tool that will amplify whatever you already are – good or evil. Think of money as a simple tool like a hammer. With a hammer, you can build someone a house or seriously injure them. The hammer isn’t good nor bad, it’s what you do with it. Quit believing the lie that money is the root of all evil.

8. The wealthy do what they are passionate about

The wealthy know that the best way to make money is to follow your passions and pursue what genuinely interests you. Do what you care about. Getting rich is a lot of work and you better enjoy what you do to get there – in fact, you must enjoy it.

9. The wealthy think long-term

The wealthy know that they must plan for tomorrow. They know that the decisions they make today determines their financial future. They delay gratification and live below their means (remember number 3) in order to be even wealthier tomorrow. Every time you make a financial decision, consider how it will affect your wealth in the future.

10. The wealthy think big

The most important way in which the wealthy think about money differently is that they think big. When you focus on just surviving through retirement or paying the mortgage, you will just survive through retirement or pay the mortgage. Your brain needs something big to dream about. You must aspire to be something huge. Stop dreaming of only a million bucks. Write down the biggest dream you can think of and multiply it by 10. That’s thinking big. If you have read this far, you probably want to be wealthy. Every wealthy person was in the exact position you are in right now. First you have to believe it is possible. Then learn and deeply internalize these 10 ways the wealthy think differently and you’ll be on your way. Featured photo credit: photo credit: Rodrigo Soldon via photopin via creativecommons.org