What is worse is that the physical demands of flying would have been exhausting enough but they bleed into our emotional and mental states, and our trip ends up being just a little less awesome. However, being the conscientious and considerate passengers that we are, we are unlikely to upset our fellow tourists in such fashion because we will know better. Below, is outlined a series of little acknowledged guidelines for air-travel.

Consider bathroom privileges.

Try to be speedy about your business, but more importantly, don’t make a mess.

Have awesome kids.

Only parents can really understand how hard it is to follow this rule. We all love our kids, we are amazed at their beauty and intelligence, and we want to give them absolutely everything in our ability to give. However, when in public, we have the responsibility to teach our children how to behave. Flying is hard enough with all the x-ray machines, pat downs, delays, and complications without little Timmy kicking the back of anyone’s seat or screaming the whole flight.

Keep your own hygiene in check.

Specifically, we’re talking about all the remarkable smells the human body can produce. There will be a handful of people who cannot get more than a meter away from you, for as long as it takes to get to your destination. Brush your teeth, bring a toothbrush and travel toothpaste in your carry on, do not skip on the deodorant but go ahead and skip the intense colognes and perfumes!

Position the back of your seat.

If you can bare not being fully reclined, then don’t (unless your intention is to sleep, of course).  Also, think about peaking back and giving your fellow passenger a little warning, even in the form of momentary apologetic eye contact.

Maybe, don’t take full advantage of the bar.

Really, don’t be that guy! That’s right, from the guy who tries to open the exit hatch thinking it’s the restroom, to the crazy lady who attacked staff members with a prosthetic leg, more and more passengers are making fools of themselves on planes and forcing everyone else in their vicinity to be victims of their insane behavior. Reeking of alcohol and leaning too close into your neighbor for a discussion is still bad. Featured photo credit: A plane right over your head/ Dave Heuts via flickr.com

11 Air Travel Etiquette Rules That Every Passenger Should Know  But Are Never Spelled Out  - 79