Check out these 12 signs that you’ve been best friends since high school.

1. You know each other’s most embarrassing moments

Your most intimate, horrible, embarrassing secrets that make you cringe when you think about them – your best friend knows them all, and they don’t judge you for them. That’s mainly because you know all of their embarrassing secrets, too.

2. You are always laughing at in-jokes that no one else gets

If you two hang out with someone else, they are subjected to listening to you spout in-jokes constantly. It is pretty annoying for all of your other friends, but you’ll never stop laughing at the hilarious memories – even if no one else understands.

3. You dislike the same people

If your best friend has an enemy, that person is automatically your enemy. You trust your best friend’s judgement, so if they don’t like someone, there is probably a good reason for that. If someone messes with one of you, they are actually messing with both of you – that’s real friendship.

4. You feel totally comfortable with each other

Whether you are marathoning Orange Is The New Black in bed or making dinner together, you always feel fully comfortable and relaxed around each other. Even if you are wearing your ugliest jogging bottoms and you haven’t washed your hair for days, you still don’t feel judged — and you would never judge your best friend for doing the same.

5. You always know when your best friend is upset

You can always tell when you’re best friend is down, even just by reading their text messages. Only one heart emoji? Something is definitely up.

6. You both love to reminisce about the past

Lots of your conversations with your best friend start with “remember when…” Other people don’t care about the crazy week you two spent in Spain, but you just had to be there to get it.

7. You have hundreds of terrible pictures of each other

Your best friend has hundreds of embarrassing photos of you, including the emo Myspace ones that you wish would disappear from existence. In the wrong hands, this could be a disaster, but you know your best friend will keep them private – they exist only for a laugh now and then.

8. You know your best friend’s family well

You’re pretty close to your best friend’s family, mainly because all of the awkward high-school times when you had to ring their landline and ended up talking to their mom. Of course, there’s also all of the times you stayed at their house for dinner – grandma makes an awesome lasagne. You’re even Facebook friends with their dad.

9. You’re always honest with each other

If you are considering buying a new outfit, you always go to your best friend for advice. You know they are the only person who will be totally, 100 per cent honest with you. If it doesn’t suit you, they will definitely let you know, and you really appreciate having someone that honest in your life.

10. You “Like” everything they post on social media

Any status update, picture, or video they upload will automatically get a “like” from you – it’s just the best friend thing to do.

11. You talk to each other all the time

Over the phone, texting, Facebook messenger, and in person — you and your best friend are pretty much communicating 24/7. You don’t even say “hi” anymore, you just get straight to the point of the story.

12. You always have each other’s back

If your best friend is feeling ill, sad, or angry, you are always the one there for them, and you know they would do the same for you. Whatever life throws at you, you know you’re in it together. Can you think of any other signs that you’ve been best friends since high school? Comment your ideas below!