NOTE : Here “you” refers to the Men Folk who aspire to find their lady love or who have already found the one. A world without women isn’t possible. They either rule the house or allow you to rule, but they are responsible for all the happiness, family ties, traditions and rituals present in your home. For sure, you can buy a house but she brings in her charm and makes it a home. You are lucky if you have got the right life partner because it ensures you will have an encouraging support system. Being from Venus, a Woman has these 11 qualities that make you love her forever :

1. She has the ability to give a direction to your “ego”

You may have been an aggressive angry young boy before she came into your life, but after she arrived, you have become an ambitious man who knows what he wants from life and has a defined life purpose. She has helped you to realize your potential because she has pumped up your “Male Ego”, constructively. She is the one who gives you a reason to have faith in yourself.

2. She loves you with all her heart

Yes, if she loves you, she does that with all her heart. There wont be any confusion. Either she loves or she doesn’t. But, she needs her own time before she commits for a relationship. The way she does the little things for you, the way she is always there beside you, the way she argues with you over your wrong habits and the way she never forgets to show her love for you: She is the special person, your lady love and deserves your love too.

3. Your place in her life is intact

She may go to office and meet men every day. She may go to school and many students might adore her. She may be in a Marketing Team and many new men are meeting her daily. She may be going to a market or a mall and men are staring at her. But, she is unaffected by all this. What matters the most to her is what you think of her, how you feel about her and what she means to you. Your place is untouched and intact in her life. You are safe in her heart.

4. She is passionate and driven

Sending your kids to school, packing up your lunch, taking care of the home and buying the groceries, besides her own work. Even if she goes to an office every day, she does housekeeping on Sundays, while you make a Holiday. She has a driving force which makes your home. While managing the daily routine, you will find, she takes time out for gardening, reading, cooking something new or anything which she is passionate about.

5. She feels shy at times with you

Yes, that smile of hers says it all. Even after years of relationship, there are times when she feels shy like a sixteen year old girl. That moment is to be treasured because it is for you and with you. If you want to see her feeling shy, just drop a sweet note for her (maybe the same words with which you proposed to her) and watch her silently: her stunning smile will sing the saga for you.

6. She knows herself and celebrates her craziness

She is firm with her values and believe system. She is organized yet, at times she is crazy. She may dance like MJ or sing like an opera singer or may cook while mimicking one of your aunt’s but she is your lady – filled with many crazy ideas which make you love her.

7. She cares for your family

Her day begins with thinking about what to make for the breakfast. She is there to take care of your parents and kids. She leaves her own family and settles in your house to take care of everyone. She provides that emotional and mental strength that each member of the family needs. Her care is the backbone on which a beautiful nest called “home” is built.

8. She develops an interest in Sports for you

She may leave her shopping trip or her vacation with her Gals Gang, just to spend a few hours of Live Sports Watch with you. She may not know much about your favorite sport but will learn about the same, just for you. If she can do this, you too can leave your video games and learn about something that matters to her.

9. She gives you the “space” you need

Before being your Lady Love, she is your best friend and understands you well. She trusts you. She doesn’t doubt you. She accepts that you must be busy, that is why you didn’t answer her call. She knows that while you’re at work, you prefer to stay focused. She understands that one weekend now and then belongs to your friends. She gives you the space and trust, to speak the truth about your past relationships. Don’t you feel lucky to have her?

10. She compromises to build a home

Compromises come from both persons in a relationship, however she is the first one to initiate one. It is she who changes her home and morning habits to live with you. It is she who accepts to start showing the love and concern to her own parents, through phone and video calls. She agrees to come along with you and build a new life. She compromises a few hours of sleep, so that you can reach the office earlier than usual. She compromises the dearly awaited weekend date just because you plan a sudden road trip with your friends.

11. She never forgets important days

Yes, this is who she is. You may forget her birthday or your own Anniversary, still she doesn’t say that you don’t love her anymore. On the other hand, she makes each birthday of yours a special surprise. She makes you forget about the girlfriend who always needed proofs to justify your love. She is your girl and believes in you and your ways to express love. Not only this, she also makes you call your own parents/siblings on their birthdays and anniversaries.

12. She is sensitive, yet strong

She is a 21st century woman. She has protected and preserved her sensitive nature beneath layers of strength. She cares and nurtures the family, acts as a support system when needed but still she cries at times. You are the only man in front of whom she can reveal her emotional side, otherwise she has build walls around her to keep going in the outer world. She needs you to gain her own strength when she is too sensitive to take care of a problem by herself.

13. She loves shopping for the family

Shopping is something that most women love. They use shopping as a refreshment and entertainment activity. But, your lady may do all her shopping for you and your family members. She may be in the habit of doing a market analysis and than buy the best item in the most economical pricing. Off course, it is her love for shopping and for her family, both, but the bargaining and analysis that she does, makes her even more charming for you! To end up, this article I will use words which every woman can feel:

She doesn’t need wishes and hugs with praises and flowers only on International Women Day or on her birthday or anniversary, but needs your time, acknowledgement and smiles daily. She needs a strong relationship to be the woman of your dreams. Cheers to the men who read this thinking of her!! Kudos to the women who read this to realize why they are special!

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