However, before jumping in and taking action, it’s essential to understand its three components. If you want to escape the world of mediocrity, you have to embrace the power of taking action. By doing so, you keep moving in the right direction. Your journey is no longer dependent on the outcomes or the results. Instead, it empowers you to tread the trail of hope even when all seems hopeless. Further, the main result becomes the balance in your life, all based on Newton’s First Law: the state of motion of an object is maintained as long as the object is not acted upon by an unbalanced force. You can take all the hits that come your way, good or bad, due to all things resisting changes in their state of motion—they tend to “keep doing what they’re doing.”[2] The only shift that needs to happen comes from you taking action. Taking action seems to be so fundamentally basic that it should not even have to be mentioned. But life can have you turning in circles that you become disengaged with the basics and need a foundational review. Blaze a new trail filled with the discovery of consistent actions and a determined heart. These 15 reasons why taking action is important for success will decrease your confusion while increasing productivity and heightening your purpose for a lifetime.

1. Action Allows You to Shift or Pivot

It’s easier to direct a moving vehicle than one that is parked. So, why not keep moving? Your activity encourages what you don’t see to become visible as you go through the intentional motions. Here is where change occurs, releasing what might have been a struggle to that which is natural.

2. Action Ignites Motivation

Getting through the stuff when life happens doesn’t come from pity parties but by taking the next step. When you constantly fight for encouragement, your emotions are set in overdrive. The focus is unbearable and stifles the opportunities before you. All you feel is what couldn’t be, and you leave all on the table what you couldn’t see. Keep your emotions and feelings in check by staying in action.

3. Action Establishes Habits

The more you do something, the easier it is to keep doing it, whether good or bad. You can’t succeed if you don’t do anything. By maintaining the action, you are setting yourself up for a greater chance of hitting your goals without being too detailed and overplaying the plan.

4. Action Shrinks Failures

As much as you always want to be successful, failure is inevitable. But by taking action, your failures become less of the everyday cornerstone and more about engaging in firsts and seconds. The only failure is not trying. So, when you try, you cannot fail.

5. Action Induces Winning

No one afraid of losing has ever won. How many times does an athlete have to lose before the win? Too many most would say. But actually, it’s just enough to keep the iron in the fire to refine the gifts and talents. It’s in the fire where champions are made.

6. Action Breeds Better

Preparation is good. However, it’s easy to get stuck in research and making sure everything is going to play out as planned. But you can get buried in the preparation and forget that to get you moving to the next level, you must be in action. Don’t let yourself become trapped in practice trying to get it all perfect first. Action will always make it better.

7. Action Determines What’s Possible

You cannot eliminate what doesn’t work and establish what does work except through trial and error. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. That requires action on your part. You have to be ready and willing to test in real-time to understand the complexity of what you are going after. The more action you take, the deeper your possibilities grow.

8. Actions Create Your “Now”

There is no need to put off tomorrow what you can do today. Build consistency in doing something with intention, and see how your life changes. If you wait for the right time to show up, you will be waiting forever. Take your day into your own hands and create your “now.”

9. Action Slows Down Time

There’s no time like the present. By staying in action, essentially, you slow down your inhibitions and fears from manifesting into more than what they need to be. You get to decide how fast you move by the actions you take in your every day leading to your success.

10. Action Produces a Result

How will you know if what you are doing will get you down the lane of success? Trial and error. Every step you take produces an outcome, good or bad. So, why shy away from what works. Do it and make the adjustments needed in real-time.

11. Action Creates a Chain Reaction

Once you experience the result and determine the validity of how it coincides with your dreams and goals—meaning getting it right—then it directs you to the next step. The plan of how you’re going to achieve success continues through the chain reaction. Action is the foundation where consistency is built.

12. Action Silences Your Inner Critic

The most significant time spent is with your inner voice. If you are in a constant mode of debating whether or not you are worthy, good enough, or qualified, how will you be able to move forward? You’ll be frozen in time. However, staying in action makes the inner voice more of a nuisance yet can be muted by taking the next step.

13. Action Utilizes Knowledge

Reading and learning are addicting. But no matter how much you read or learn, nothing will gain success for you unless you take action. The thing is that action is not so exciting. In fact, action can be tedious, especially if you don’t get the desired results. Yet, knowledge can lead your action when utilized appropriately. Don’t sit on what you know. Knowledge is power.

14. Action Minimizes Risks

When you are in constant motion, momentum is on your side. What appears as a risk initially fades away more quickly because there is no time to overthink what just happened. The risks exist only to be outnumbered by the actions taken.

15. Action Builds Trust with Yourself

Many failures and dreams stop you in your tracks simply because of the lack of trust. When you find yourself down and out, and your record reflects losing more than winning, it’s easier to quit and retreat. Yet, if you have confidence in yourself, trust triumphs over what didn’t happen, opening the door for what’s possible.

The Success Equation for Life

Knowledge + Action = Success Ready your head to make a commitment that nullifies the missing link and establishes success by taking action. Here is where you will celebrate success more often than not. Now, the results and outcomes may not be as expected, but a little suspense never hurt any journey. May your heart compound the experiences, including your commitment to taking action and the results of what’s to come. Claim the ultimate success when action meets your everyday. Your journey is a path of many colors. Take a chance to make a change to choose the action that serves your purpose. Cheers to you for taking action and creating success this new season! The best is yet to come. Be present. Be incredible. Be you!

More Tips to Get You Into Action

Achieving Goals: The Ultimate Guide to Goal Achieving & Goal Setting How to Stop Procrastinating: 11 Practical Ways for Procrastinators How To Take Action Towards Your Goals Right Now

Featured photo credit: Joshua Earle via