Embracing these seemingly small aspects about life is what can empower us and equip us with the tools to live more fulfilling lives. So, what are the 15 things we should remember about life but very often forget? Read on and as you discover each point, make it a life goal to remember them always.

1.  Be completely honest

…With yourself!  We are all taught to believe that lying, deceiving, or keeping information from others is wrong but, what about lying to ourselves? We have the courage to be brutally honest with others, but we are cowards when it comes to being honest with ourselves. Yet sometimes, the only truth that can make a difference is the one we admit when we look at ourselves in the mirror. And sometimes, that truth is the only one that can set us free.

2. Have the guts to pursue your dreams

Sure, the entire world is telling you that you are wasting your time, but in your heart, you know you are doing what you were born to be. Press on! People that put you down when you share your goals with them don’t understand the purpose of life. They don’t understand that living a life without fulfilling what you feel you were meant to do is truly a life wasted. You have a unique gift in life, one that this world needs to see and experience. Believe in your heart that you were created with a purpose, and believe that you were created for greatness.

3. Honor your parents

This one may be difficult…Yet, there is something sacred and honest about doing honoring your parents. Regardless of the circumstances, you are here because of them. Appreciate the opportunity of having family and being a part of something that goes beyond choice. After all, you didn’t choose your parents, God chose them for you! So be thankful and honor them.

4. Forgive but don’t forget

Holding a grudge is really not a pretty thing to hold onto. Be willing to forgive, but don’t force yourself to forget others’ wrongdoings. Being let down is an important life lesson, so forgive, but don’t feel you must forget. It is completely OK to remember what you’ve been through as it will enable you to be grateful for who you have become.

5. Remember that your smile can change the world

You have a very powerful tool that can truly change the world around you – your smile. You have the ability to try and make someone’s day 100% better just by sharing a simple smile! In addition, sharing a smile with a stranger will empower you to remove fears as it will inevitably make you step out of your comfort zone.

6. Enjoy silence

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with cellphones, televisions, radios and every other device that keeps you forever connected, it is imperative that you take time to enjoy silence. Enjoy the quietness that surrounds you, recharge yourself and rediscover your thoughts.

7. Live in the present

Yesterday is gone – learn from it. Tomorrow has not yet come, so prepare for it. Today is here – fully enjoy it because you will never again have this exact moment. Be willing to experience each second of life you have been gifted, because life is too short and precious to waste it thinking about what was or what could be.

8. Do not judge others

Nothing is gained by judging people. Instead, your self-righteousness will most definitely blind you from becoming your very best. Respect everyone around you, but honestly, just worry about yourself, who you can become and what you can accomplish.

9. Help others fulfill their dreams

The amazing Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Live a life of service to others and you will never feel alone, defeated or unsuccessful.

10. Surround yourself with positive influences

When life gets tough, it is crucial for you to have a strong support system that influences you in a positive way. Strive to surround yourself with positive minds. and strive to remove any negative energy from your life. Besides, positive influences can empower you to continue your pursuit towards living a more purposeful life.

11. Don’t lose hope

Regardless of the circumstances you may be facing, believe that there is always a way out.  As long as you are breathing, there is room for growth, change, and hope. There is always hope, it is everywhere, you just need to keep looking!

12. Be kind…even if others don’t “deserve” it

Call it Karma, the golden rule, or whatever else you like. But you must remember to always be kind! Be kind, not just towards those who treat you right, but also towards the not-so-kind folks. Your actions may teach them a lesson and your heart will remain pure.

13. Fight for love

Love is truly a blessing when you find it, but it is not all bliss. Yet, if you have found your one true love, fight for it! Also remember that it is more than butterflies and gifts, it is unconditionally accepting and embracing the good and bad in others. Love will always be worth the fight.

14. Be a good listener

When others talk, listen. Don’t just watch their mouths move as you plan what to say next, truly listen. Study their word usage, their tone, their eyes. Give everyone the respect their words deserve.

15. Always keep a book with you

Time is precious and we are forever running out of it. Redeem each moment passing by and keep a book handy; strive to learn something new each day! Reading is not only relaxing, but works out our minds in a way like nothing else can. Featured photo credit: Couple and Confetti, smile and happy via shutterstock.com