1. Most of your best days are spent alone.

Solitude is an introvert’s caffeine, and it can only be assured when you are at home. The Boston Globe reported on a Harvard study, which showed people form more lasting and accurate memories when they are experiencing something alone.

2. You love to meditate alone.

Did you know that meditation can reduce depression? A team of John Hopkins researchers found in 47 clinical trials that meditation can ease anxiety, depression, and many types of pain.

3. You prefer to read books when you are at home.

I think most people know the benefits of reading books. One example is from a Wall Street Journal article, which reported at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted book reading reduces stress. Reading books in public places is not easy because it is often impossible to control the surrounding environment. That’s why we prefer to read books when we are at home.

4. You love cooking a meal all for yourself to enjoy alone.

Sometimes, it is quite stressful for us to go out to eat. You have to worry about things like wait times and dealing with unpleasant people. There is nothing better than cooking a meal for yourself. It is cheaper, and you can get to stay home to do it!

5. You prefer social media over physical interaction.

As a homebody, we can interact when it is convenient for us. We can go on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit and log off when we are tired of it. It is often rude to abruptly end a conversation when you are talking to someone in public. That’s something that you do not have to worry about being online.

6. You rejoice when someone cancels their plans with you.

As a homebody, our favorite place to hang out is — at home! So, we are not usually bothered when someone has to cancel their plans with us. We are happy about it.

7. You like to devote most of your time alone to accelerate your personal development.

Solitude often gives us time to look at ourselves on a deeper level. We can achieve personal development at a faster rate when we are not constantly distracted by outside influences.

8. You believe that building an online business is much more important than going out with friends.

Do you ever wonder what other hermits are probably doing in the privacy of their homes? Believe it or not, many are closet entrepreneurs. They dread going to work at a job that they hate to get paid a salary that reminds them: “Why am I still working there?”. For them, building a business in their free time is much more important than going out with friends.

9. You do not want to go out to the movies because you can watch them at home.

As a homebody, we typically aren’t excited to rush out to the movie theaters to watch the latest movie. There are thousands of movies via Netflix or Hulu that we can choose instead. It is cheaper, and we do not have to worry about paying premium prices for movie snacks.

10. You truly appreciate enjoying a beer or bottle of wine alone.

We all have our preferences in our alcoholic beverages, but it is much better to enjoy it alone – at least for the homebody. We can drink as much as we want without dealing with other people.

11. You like to entertain yourself at times by playing video games.

There are more video games now than there ever was a decade ago. There are so many genres that you can play just about any video game, according to your interests. The University of Rochester has found that people who play action-based video games make accurate decisions 25% faster.

12. You welcome bad weather because it gives you another reason to stay at home.

Record temperatures? Snowstorms? Who cares? Not you. It puts a big smile on your face because you have another reason about why you should stay at home.

13. You like to devote most of your time on thinking about your life.

Steve Pavlina, international speaker and author of the bestselling book: Personal Development for Smart People, gives 14 Reasons to Become More Conscious.  As a homebody, some of Pavlina’s suggestions are things that we naturally work on implementing in our lives.

14. You really enjoy music in the comforts of your home.

Listening to your favorite playlist is a great way to relax at home. The USA Today has shared 20 ways about how music can benefit your health.

15. You will not invite friends over but rather just one friend as an opportunity to build upon your friendship.

While there are times that we may have several friends over our house for a social gathering, we really enjoy the company of one friend. Introverts have always valued quality over quantity regarding friendships. If you are a homebody, it is very likely that you are also an introvert. Featured photo credit: Thomas Leuthard via imcreator.com