The good thing is, you’re not alone. Millions of people out there are doing shift work, too. No doubt you’re probably reading this at 2 AM—but it’s okay. I feel you!

1. You don’t understand the joy of a weekend

Weekends are rarely a time for celebration as you are usually working the most painfully awkward shift. Instead you have free time when everyone else is busy.

2. You also don’t get that “Friday feeling”

If you do shift work, chances are you’ll have to work on Saturday at 8 AM. So either you go in for your 8-hour shift with a hangover, or you miss out on Friday fun altogether.

3. You can’t make plans more than a week in advance

Your boss might promise that the rotations will be up at least three weeks in advance, but they never are. Which means every Facebook event you’re invited to has you under “Maybe.” Usually this is the case until the day before when you realize they’ve switched your shift and you can’t go. Yet again. Thanks, shift work!

4. Your friends don’t understand that changing shifts isn’t easy

Oh, you want me to get someone with their first Saturday off in a month to work my 10-hour shift? I don’t think so. You must really not understand shift work. Only a cruel person would do that.

5. You have to wish on a shooting star to escape Christmas Eve

We all know how busy the Christmas period is. But while most companies shut down for the year, if you do shift work you can’t escape it. Shift workers know that even Christmas doesn’t stop you working.

6. Your sleeping pattern is synced with people on the other side of the planet

You’ve forgotten what it’s like to sleep with the rest of your country. No doubt you’ll be online and the only other people awake are on completely opposite sides of the world!

7. You haven’t seen your friends in months

They’re usually working while you’re sleeping, and you’re working while they’re partying. Your schedules rarely sync up, but when they do it couldn’t be better.

8. You often forget what day of the week it is

Now that your sleeping pattern is ruined you never know what day of the week it is, since you usually start work on a Monday and finish on a Tuesday morning.

9. You get annoyed when people complain about having to wake up before 10 a.m.

You were probably up at three in the morning to start your shift, and in the meantime all your friends are complaining about waking up at 8:30. It’s a mockery really!

10. You always miss family dinners

Everyone else has the weekend to slob around and meet up with the family, but you rarely get to see them. When you do your youngest cousins usually have no idea who you are!

11. You would be lost without Netflix

This way you can watch something other than the weird shows that are on at three in the morning.

12. You hate when customers tell you to “have a good day”

Isn’t it obvious that you’re spending your whole day standing behind the register? No, sir, you will not have a good day.

13. You never eat meals at a normal time

Eating dinner at 10 p.m. is standard practice. As is breakfast at 4 a.m. and lunch at 9 a.m. Your diet is probably really messed up because of this.

14. You have massive bags under your eyes

That lack of sleep catches up with you somehow and it decided to sit under your eyes for the world to see.

15. You rarely see your significant other when they’re awake

You’re so used to seeing them tucked up in bed it’s weird to hear their voice and see them active. On the plus side, you don’t miss out on cuddles. Featured photo credit: Kristina Alexanderson via