Five years is a pretty big difference in kid-years. While she was romping around the high school party scene, I was still practicing my multiplication tables. She liked boys; I liked. . . ponies. Nevertheless, even with the age gap, we managed to create an amazing bond that only sisters share. She was there for me first and she’s here for me now. One thing I have yet to do is to thank her for all the things she’s done for me, some of them probably unnoticed. So, older sister, these are for you!

1. Thank you for being my first “bestie.”

It’s true! I had no friends. I was a nobody until you showed up. You accepted me even when I couldn’t walk, talk or use the bathroom. You played with me, protected me and took great care of me. You also tortured me, made fun of me and ignored me, but that’s a whole different topic.

2. Thank you for never judging me.

Even when I’m acting like an idiot. Or dressing like one. (Like when I bleached my hair white and pierced my nose and looked like Madonna.)

3. Thank you for letting me get all dramatic without causing any drama.

In my defense, I was the baby of the family. You took my tantrums and issues and let them run their course without too much hassle or emotions.

4. Thank you for letting us sleep in your room every Christmas Eve.

Because your little pink Christmas Tree with its little colored lights was so pretty. I was always jealous you got the pink one. And sleeping in your room every year was so cool because we got to stay up late and talk about Santa. (P.S. I , have the pink tree now. Every year, we put it in the bedroom where my son and daughter sleep, talking and waiting for Santa.)

5. Thank you for liking me before I was cool.

I am cool, by the way. You liked me back then, when I wasn’t AS cool as I am today. (Circa 1980-anything).

6. Thank you for making family vacations memorable.

Because without you and our brother, they would have been so boring. Who else would offer so many memories-now-turned-inside jokes? Who else would make me jump off a frickin’ ski lift? Only a sister (who breaks her leg skiing right below me, of course). But the rest of that Idaho trip was amazing.

7. Thank you for always having my back.

Even when you knew I was totally wrong. Or, worse, I was lying. Like the time I snuck out to go to Berkeley to hang out with college boys.

8. Thank you for making the “big” mistakes before me so I could learn what not to do.

I learned everything from you and our brother. Being the baby wasn’t so bad once I learned the tricks of the trade. Whenever you got busted, I took notes. Once I figured out what not to do… Just joking, Mom.

9. Thank you for teaching me about “grown-up” things.

Besides books like Judy Blume’s Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret, you helped me out with things like periods, boys, and (cringe) sex. Although, you taking me to Tijuana for the first time wasn’t so helpful. I’m not thankful you introduced me to Tequila!

10.  Thank you for providing that fake I.D.

Since you were five years older, your I.D. came in handy. Genetics helped, too, because we looked so much alike. Now that I’m older, I appreciate the fact that you had to make an extra trip to the DMV to get an extra copy of your license. That alone deserves an award. Just joking, Mom. I only used it to vote.

11.  Thank you for driving me places when you didn’t want to.

I know you didn’t want to, and I know it was a pain, but I appreciate all the rides. Especially the ones that came with one of your cute college boyfriends (friends that were boys) in tow. That was always a bonus.

12. Thank you for the family bitch sessions.

No one knows the family like you do, which makes it easy to sit around and complain. You understand completely. In fact, you think the way I do, so if I’m ragging on other people, chances are you’ll agree with me on those points as well.

13. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what happens.

For everything we’ve been through, the ups and downs, deaths and births, you’ve been there for me. I know you’re just a phone call away and no matter what I do or say, you’ll still be there.

14. Thank you for always being my cheerleader.

You’re always in my corner. You never criticize or analyze me when I’m having an off day or when I fail at something and you’re never jealous of my success. You’re a great life cheerleader.

15. Finally, thank you for making me a sister. (A younger sister.)

Featured photo credit: Lovely brother and sister lying in bed at home. Concept of Brother And Sister Together Forever via