1. Wicklow National Park from P.S. I Love You

Why not start out our list with a romantic outdoor location? Wicklow National Park played host to the scene from P.S. I Love You where Gerry and Holly first met. It’s a touching and beautiful movie, and this particular scene took place in an equally beautiful place in the world. It’s in Ireland, so you might have to prepare for a long flight to get there!

2. Heathrow Airport from Love Actually

Love Actually is considered one of the most romantic movies of all time and one of its deepest emotional moments takes place at the venerable Heathrow Airport. The scene features people getting off the airplane and being met by those they (presumably) haven’t seen in a long time. The great part about this locale is that you can just buy a ticket to land in the London airport. As an added bonus, London is itself the site of many romantic movies.

3. Las Palmas Hotel from Pretty Woman

It isn’t the most glamorous place ever but the Las Palmas hotel is the site of a touching scene between Edward and Vivian, where he proclaims his love for her as she stands on the fire escape. It’s a scene that touched a million hearts and a great place to check out if you’re ever in Los Angeles.

4. The Empire State Building from Sleepless in Seattle

New York’s Empire State Building has been the setting for a number of love scenes, but arguably the most memorable is Sleepless in Seattle, when Annie and Sam finally find each other. In real life you’ll have to deal with crowds, but it’s still an amazing view and a great place to share with your loved one. If you’re going for something romantically ridiculous you can go up on Valentine’s Day. It is the only day of the year when couples can get married while overlooking the famous New York skyline.

5. Turtle Bay Resort from Forgetting Sarah Marshall

It’s hard to pick a specific stand-out scene, because most of the movie was shot here. Turtle Bay is a tropical resort that embraces the natural beauty of Hawaii with aptly themed housing, sandy beaches, and all of the other amenities. In Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Peter heads here to get over his ex-girlfriend, only to find out that she’s staying at the same resort. He falls in love with a local and things just kind of go from there. It’s a tad expensive, but that’s Hawaii for you.

6. Forks, Washington from Twilight

While it can be argued all day and night on whether or not the Twilight series is any good, there is no doubt that the movie’s setting, the town of Forks in Washington state, is breathtaking. There isn’t a specific place in town that is overly romantic, but the scenery as a whole will keep a couple busy all weekend. Just book a bed and breakfast, pack your best hiking clothes, and immerse yourself in the woods where Edward and Bella first fell in love.

7. Paris from Midnight in Paris

There have been hundreds of romantic movies filmed or set in Paris, but we decided to go with Midnight in Paris. French has been dubbed the most romantic language on the planet. The Eiffel Tower and other iconic and historic fixtures adorn a lavish and unforgettable skyline. You can go anywhere, do almost anything, and it’ll be at least partially romantic. If you want to enjoy Paris the right way, take a page from Midnight in Paris and go on a carriage ride with your partner.

8. Rome from Roman Holiday

Rome is another iconic city with a rich and expansive history. As it turns out, a number of romantic movies were filmed there, including Audrey Hepburn’s classic Roman Holiday from 1953. In the movie, Hepburn’s character is a princess touring European capitals. One night she sneaks out and spends time with an American news reporter after he finds her asleep on a park bench. The two take a ride on a Vespa while they tour the sites and architecture. You could try that! But be prepared for a long ride because Rome has a lot to see.

9. Casablanca, Morocco from Casablanca

There really isn’t much of a description needed here. Casablanca is one of the largest cities in Morocco, and the romance the city is capable of producing will be forever immortalized in one of the best movies of all time. We’d recommend the airport that held the immortal line in the video above, which was filmed in Van Nuys, but sadly it was totally demolished long ago. Trust us, Morocco is more enjoyable because there is a lot to do and see.

10. Florence, Italy from A Room With a View

Florence is another one of those destinations where a lot of movies have been filmed, and for good reason. The city itself contains classic architecture and is surrounded by storybook landscapes. One lucky poppy field was the setting for an iconic kiss in Room With a View, so if you’re looking for a spot to smooch with your lover, that’s a great place to go. Whether you’re picnicking in the surrounding landscape or enjoying the city proper, there’s plenty for lovers to do in Florence.

11. Wyoming from Brokeback Mountain

Wyoming is known as one of the most bare states in the U.S. in terms of population. The entire state houses just under 600,000 people and the only really densely populated area of the state is the capital, Cheyenne. That means you have pretty much the whole state to wander and enjoy the untouched nature as depicted in Brokeback Mountain. You won’t get 5-star restaurants or looming hotels, but you will get an astonishingly clear view of the stars and mountains. This is a great romantic retreat for any adventurers out there.

12. Austria from The Sound of Music

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIjobdArtiA Things have calmed down now, but Austria had quite the tumultuous past. One such instance is the movie The Sound of Music, which used Austria’s landscape and picturesque Alps mountains to tell the story of a governess who falls in love with a captain. The musical is intensely popular and stands as one of the most memorable musicals of our time. If you ever make your way to Austria, you can savor the moments in the shadow of the glorious and ever unchanging Alps as they watch over you and your lover.

13. Tokyo from Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation is the epitome of the American experience abroad. Or what everyone wishes the epitome of the American experience abroad really was. In this classic, a man and a woman meet in a foreign country and create a bond that leads to a spontaneous connection. With the brightly lit, always busy streets of Tokyo as their backdrop, the romance blossoms in a way only Bill Murray and Scarlet Johansson can depict. The bustling, never-sleeping city is filled with great skyline views and exotic cuisine that is fun to experience with the one you love the most.

14. The American South from The Notebook (and more)

You can take your pick with location and movie for this one. The Notebook took place in South Carolina, Forrest Gump took place in Alabama, and Gone With the Wind took place in Georgia. There is a lot of American history there and many places can be very rustic, which just shouts for romance. There really is nothing quite like sitting on an old wood deck looking out over nature with lightning bugs lighting everything up. Plus the other cultural stuff like the music, the dancing, and the general love of good times is incredibly infectious.

15. Rio de Janeiro from Twilight

Yes, we’re going to talk about Twilight again. Even though I was never able to relate to that movie on any meaningful level, the locations the movies were shot in continue to be some of the best possible. Part of the movie was filmed in the beautiful Rio de Janeiro, which is in Brazil. It’s a city full of history as well as beaches, exotic music, and rich landscapes. It’s underrated as a place where romance can blossom.

16. Sydney, Australia from Moulin Rouge

Despite the fact that the movie is supposed to take place in Paris, pretty much the entire thing was shot in Sydney, Australia. Yes, the movie is a little eccentric but it’s still a classic. Aside from the stuff you see in the movie, Australia is home to some of the world’s most exotic wildlife. The landscape has been in its fair share of movies and Sydney itself is a huge city filled with all kinds of distractions for the adventurer inside! Featured photo credit: paris under moonlight silhouette france georgeta blanaru/Fine Art America via images.fineartamerica.com