1. Become more productive

Focus on productivity. Think of doing more in less time and performing less action. There are productivity tools and hacks that can help you achieve this.

2. Don’t procrastinate, act!

Don’t procrastinate. Do what is necessary to make what you want happen. The best time to start is now. Instead of making excuses and complaining, act!

3. Spending too much time on social media

Social media can be a burner. Yes you want to listen to the gossips and know what is happening with your friends. But if you want to be happier learn to say no to social media. It will save you any bruise on your self-esteem and keep you interacting with the real world instead.

4. Taking yourself too seriously

Yes you will make mistakes. You cannot be perfect and don’t expect this, but always focus on what you can learn from your past errors.

5. Talk positive to yourself

Expect the best and never the worst. You should know that such will only give you the confidence you need to actualize those things you desire.

6. Learn to say no

A lot of things will catch your eye and want to take your energy. But your mindset should be focused on getting more out of less rather than less out of more. So say no to the things that are exhaustive and do not steer you towards your major goals.

7. Be consistent

There is no point in dilly-dallying. Follow any course of action to the end. Be consistent and solid.

8. Choose growth

Don’t feel weighed down by criticisms or let downs. Think of how you will grow from a setback or a failure rather than allowing it to pull you down.

9. Take charge

Be responsible for those things you can control. And your life or the direction you to take with it is your number one responsibility.

10. Prioritize

Do the things that matter. Being organized adds to your self-esteem and helps you stay productive.

11. Appreciate yourself

Learn to know your strengths and weaknesses. Know what you can take, your limitations and how far you can go.

12. Be realistic

There is nothing wrong with aiming high. Yet make sure you can achieve whatever you set out to do. Better to reach a goal than live one of mere wishes.

13. Visualize

Think of where you are going to and visualize success at it. Imagine or see yourself reaching these goals you have set out to accomplish.

14. Be tolerant

Any feedback should be listened to or taken in constructively. Do not throw away what may lead to personal improvement.

15. Seek support

Seek support from friends, family and colleagues. You cannot enjoy or be happy alone, you need constant connections to attain happiness.

16. Be result focused

Think of how to make the best out of a challenging situation. Don’t think or dwell on problems, rather dwell on solutions and how to get out of a tight corner. Navigate possibilities, strategize and apply new techniques.

17. Disengage

Disengage, take breaks, and find time to enjoy moments with your friends, family and yourself. You can only be happier when you disconnect from the drama of work and technology every now and then. This gives you time to focus and perceive what is around you. Besides you are able to offer yourself the clarity you deserve in the process. Featured photo credit: http://www.compfight.com via compfight.com