While severe period cramps (called dysmenorrhea) isn’t a sign of a health disorder for which you can visit a doctor and easily fix, it messes up our lives in very big and unpleasant ways. However, despite living in the 21st century, there isn’t a fool proof medicine to quickly alleviate all the intense period pain. But this doesn’t mean there is no hope. Each of us is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Take a look at these three proven ways to combat period pain and stick to the one that works best for you.

1. Pop In A Pain Killer:

Contrary to popular belief, taking regular medicine to cope with the pain won’t harm your body or have adverse side effects. Go for a moderate use of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID), such as ibuprofen or naproxen. You can also go for birth control pills. However, before trying anything new, keep in mind that oral contraceptives DO have side-effects and it’s best to consult a doctor before choosing a pill based on your prior experience and medical history. In other words, don’t self-diagnose without research.

2. Exercise Your Way To Health:

Exercise releases endorphins, the ‘happy hormones’. Endorphins are also released during an orgasm. The thing is, keeping your mood cheerful is your best way to beat period pain. So you might want to give working out a chance. However, the thought of exercise might not be pleasant during intense menstrual pain in which case you can take a break during the bleeding phase but incorporate it in your otherwise daily or weekly routine . Once exercise becomes a habit, endorphins will be released on a regular basis minimizing the pain. In fact as per research that was published in the Journal of Physiotherapy, both aerobic and stretching exercises helped decrease menstrual cramps in 105 students selected for the study.

3. Try Alternative Medicine:

You have a wealth of options here and you can try them individually to see which one works the best. Traditionally, herbal tea has always been the best bet, but you can also try out essential oils as well. Make a mini relaxation haven in your home by brewing herbal tea using cramp bark. To overcome menstrual cramps, try massaging yourself with a specific concoction of essential oils  such as lavender, clary sage and marjoram in a 2-1-1 ratio and creating a beautiful atmosphere using a multi-purpose aromatic diffuser. In addition to this, you can also turn to Chinese herbs as well and use them in the tea. Dong Gui or ‘female ginseng’ is particularly suitable if you’ve recently stopped taking birth control. Meanwhile, if you do not like tea you can go for a special soup called the ‘Four Substance Decoction’ which contains the crucial medicinal herb ‘Chuan Xiong’. If you have liver problems ‘Bai Shao’ or the white peony root is your best bet. You can also try other herbs such as ‘Yi Mu Cao’ and ‘Yan Hu Suo’. Mix and match to see which herbal combination works best for you.


Menstrual pain is definitely a bother, but don’t let it take over your life. Remember that what happens every month is a natural, beautiful bodily process and since it’s your body, you can definitely take charge and do something to make the process less painful. So keep trying till you find the ideal remedy that beats the pain and don’t forget to share the information with your friends! Featured photo credit: medicalnewstoday.com via medicalnewstoday.com