Watch how it transforms you!

1. List of things which you are grateful for

An example of a list you might make:

I have a very happy family. We can laugh together and be with each other through thick and thin. My baby boy (or darling daughter) is the best thing in the world. I feel blessed to have my child in my life. I look forward to doing my job every day. My boss is really great. I have financial stability in life. I don’t have to worry about money. I have this possession which I particularly like – it’s my guitar (or my canvas stand, or my camera….). It lies away in a corner, but many-a-times it has saved me from emotional breakdown! I have a loving wife (or husband). Few people are as happy as I am with my partner. I am in touch with my parents. I am usually inherently peaceful. I had a good education. I feel grateful for the presence of my aunt in my life. She was a friend to me throughout my childhood and made me what I am today. I feel grateful for my high school Math teacher Mr. Francis. He helped shape me as a person. I have a beautiful third-space where I can retire whenever I feel like, and get refreshed. ……………………………….and so on.

There can be many more things in your list. Add them and elaborate!! Spend a few minutes and make it as personal and detailed as you possibly can. When you answer something with a YES, just write one line as to how you satisfying it feels to have it in your life. You could write something like: “I feel blessed to have my daughter. The other day when I was back from the office, she hugged me and started complaining about everything under the sun. I felt like I had the world in my arms!” OR “My boss is the best one that I could have hoped for! It’s such a relief after that old job of mine.” OR “Without my educational background, I would not be so well-settled by now.”

2. List of reasons why your partner is perfect for you

Example of such a list (from a man’s point of view):

I love my wife. She is my woman! I could not live my life with anyone else. We make up an awesome team! Where I lack, she steps ahead. Where she lacks, I compensate. We have perfect intellectual compatibility. When I say something, she understands me. We can laugh our heart out with everyone else watching us like mad people. Our sense of humor is perfectly compatible. She is my wife, but she’s also as cute as my girl, and sometimes as dominating as a mother. I find a lot of personalities in her. She is an independent woman. I respect her for her ethical strength. I feel lucky to be loved by her. I have seen how relationships can reach a dead-end. That’s not the case with us. I feel like she loves me even more than I love her. We have complete faith in one another. Trust is one issue we never worry about. She respects me for the person I am. She is intelligent and very good at her job. She is appreciated by everyone at her work. I feel proud of her professionalism. She has given me some very bright ideas about my decisions in life. We travel like crazy and love every bit of it. That’s something which we look forward to doing every year. We keep doing crazy stuff and it makes me feel younger! Last time, we decided to attempt a tough trek even though we had no experience!! We are not bound by a responsibility. That’s something that came about naturally. It never felt like a burden to take care of her. Rather, I like it! She is very broadminded. ………………………………….and so on.

Many of the above may be applicable to you whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are married or in a committed relationship, or living together for a while. Do not forget to elaborate on each point.

3. List of people who are concerned about you

Who thinks about you at least once every day? If you have one person on this list you are doing great! Most people have only one person. Anything more is fantastic! If you have more than three people in the world who think about you every day, you are a very lucky person!

Why am I making these Simple Lists? Why spend time on such things?

A man driving a Ferrari sees a chopper flying above, and wishes: “I should get myself one of those!” The man driving a Chevy watches the Ferrari and wishes: “Hey, a fancy car! I could have that!” A man on a motorcycle, passing by the Chevy, tells himself: “If I could buy a car, it would not be strenuous to ride to the office every day.” A young man on his bike watches the motorcycle and thinks: “That looks really cool!” A man working on a farm, walking his kid to school, watches the youth on the bike and thinks: “What if I had a bike for myself?” Meanwhile, the pilot of that chopper looks down at the beautiful farm and thinks: “I wish I had a simple life where I could just walk my kid to school.”

Life is often filled with complaints, filled with many things we want (small and big). There are hundreds of jobs we have to do every day and yet we do not get what we deserve. No matter how much they have, very few people are actually happy. Most of us run around every day forgetting that there are so many things we have that others do not. Relationships are often taken for granted.

Take some time off. Contemplate.

Realize that there are so many people around the world who would trade their right hand to be in your place. Making these simple lists above will help you realize what you really have. Look at these lists when you feel down or unlucky in life. You will be amazed by the immense peace this realization brings. Photo Credits: Old man by the beach, Laughing girl, Couple picture : Free Images Featured Image: Photo taken by Captain D Featured photo credit: Free Images via

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