Fortunately that isn’t the way it has to be. Dieting to lose weight and be healthy does not always involve eating different foods or even less foods. There are many ways to lose weight and stay healthy besides cutting out your favorite chocolate bar. One of the best ways to both maintain a healthy weight, and lose weight to get to that healthy weight is by boosting your metabolism. Your metabolism is essentially how fast your body can digest and use the food that you eat. So if you do not want to eat less food, you can also just get your body to move through food quicker and have the same effect. Here are five great tips for getting your metabolism going at a faster pace.

Drink more water

This is a simple method that many people use to speed up their metabolism. It is easy to do at work, or anywhere else for that matter. All you need to buy is a cheap water bottle and you are well on your way to making this work. There are many studies that have been done that show that simply drinking water every hour can have profound results on your metabolism. If you drink a half liter of water it is said to boost your metabolism by up to 30%. What an easy way to get your body moving!

Increase your Collagen

Most people don’t even know what collagen is, making it hard to focus on. Collagen is actually the most abundant protein in the human body and can be found in many household products including lotion and vitamins. Collagen helps your body build lean muscle and helps it quickly metabolize a variety of nutrients. While you can’t go buy collagen straight at a grocery store,  here are a few good ways to increase your collagen levels.

Spicy food

This may be good news for some and awful news for others. For those that love spicy food, this is just another excuse to head to your favorite Mexican restaurant. Spicy foods usually contain a substance called capsaicin, an oil that has been proven multiple times over to increase your metabolism. One thing to note is that adding spice to your food can only burn about an extra 10 calories per meals. While this may not seem like a lot, combining this with other steps can add up to a significant boost in your metabolism.

Try coconut oil instead

Most people cook with vegetable oil or some other similar type of oil. However, a recent trend has become coconut oil in all types of cooking. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fats, which are very different from the saturated fats you typically see in oils. These fats have been shown in multiple studies to increase your metabolism by up to 12%. They also taste almost exactly like regular cooking oil and have other health benefits besides just increasing your metabolism. The only real downside to using coconut oil is that it can be a little more expensive than your classic oils. None of these will magically change your weight or help you lose large amounts of weight at one. However, all of these, done in conjunction with the others will give you a significant boost in metabolism that could allow you to lose those extra pounds without sacrificing all of those delicious treats.