Travel (Or Go on a Staycation)

If you’re one of the lucky one who gets to be off work during the holidays take advantage of the time and plan a trip. Scan over that travel bucket list you’ve been keeping all year and catch a flight (or a bike, or ride on your own truck)! This could be an opportunity for you to travel to somewhere new and exciting, or even somewhere local that you’ve never been. Round up a few of your friends who may not have holiday plans. You’d be surprised how many people actually prefer to escape the madness of the holidays this time of year.


Giving back to the community is a great way to spend time during the holidays. From feeding the homeless to simply spending time at children’s hospitals and assisted living communities, there are so many different groups of people who could use a smile on their face or assistance. Another great place to spend time during the holidays is residential facilities and group homes that house youth diagnosed with mental health conditions or developmental disabilities. Many of these places have holiday-themed events that could use volunteers for assisting with preparation or simply just doing activities with the residents. Make it a point to help positively impact someone else’s day throughout the holidays, and it will positively affect yours. There’s not too many things more uplifting than to help to uplift someone else.

Throw Your Own Party

If you find yourself not really feeling the club scene or frequenting the bars during the holidays, throw a gathering of your own. Invite your friends and family members over for a night of drinks and fun games. Leave the invite open for them to bring others. Another fun party idea during the holidays is to do a singles-themed gathering. Set up a fun night for singles to meet up to have fun and get to know each other in a less awkward environment than speed dating. Not only is this a way to enjoy yourself, but it also gives you a chance to meet others who are single and looking for a partner.

Spend Time with Family

The holidays can sometimes make you focus on what you don’t have as opposed to what you are blessed with. Don’t let what or who you don’t have at the time make you a party pooper during the holiday season. Spend time with your loved ones who you may not always have the time to see throughout the rest of the year. After all, a partner is not the only significant person in your life, and there is much more to life and the holiday season than seeking someone to get great photo opps with. The holidays are about more than just great photo opps and having a significant other. Let your focus be loving on others this season, instead of dwelling on how difficult it is to find love for yourself. Spare yourself the unnecessary stress and effort focusing on what you lack, and instead appreciate those who are already in your life. Spread love and the spirit of giving during your holidays… and you never know who may be paying attention! Featured photo credit: Roberto Nickson via