Here are five simple but powerful steps you can take in order to live life freely.

1. Ditch expectations

We expect so many things, all the time. And when they don’t turn out the way we want, we feel disappointed. As a result, we lose hope. Before everything else, we need to realize how ridiculous it is to expect something. We want people to act in a certain way, we want events to turn out the way we see them, we want our plans to work. But chances are something else will happen. We should learn to accept and adapt and that will save us so much stress and so many worries.

2. Simplify

We can’t really ask for freedom if we live a complicated life. We’re overburdened with stuff we don’t even use, have too many things on our mind, worry about the future and have regrets and doubts. All this prevents us from living the way we want and being free to do whatever we want. The answer lies in simplicity. Throw away all the things you have but haven’t used in the last few months, spend less time with negative people, have fewer tasks during the day, let go of fears, worries and overthinking. It takes time, but is totally worth it. Only when you get rid of the unessential, will you hand ave space for new pleasant experiences.

3. You only have the present moment

The past is gone and the future is uncertain. Why do we keep going back to what was? It’s time to realize that the only thing we actually possess is the present moment. It’s our duty to cherish it, make the best of it, and when it’s gone to let it go so that we can fully experience the next moment. After all, life is a series of present moments. Knowing how to focus on each one and appreciate it is the answer to having a life full of happiness and peace.

4. Let go of control

Almost everyone feels the need to control everything. We put too much emphasis on making plans and strategies. But In the end, t control is an illusion. What we need to do is embrace insecurity, live each moment knowing that the next one is going to be better. But even if it’s not we’ll be alright. Because things are never bad, they are different. And we can still live freely and happily no matter what happens. We just need to learn to let go of what was, enjoy what is and accept what will be.

5. You don’t need to get it all done

We are too obsessed with the idea of productivity and want to get too many things done fast. That’s why our to-do lists get bigger and bigger every day and completing them becomes an experience we dread. The truth is that most of the things on our lists are meaningless. They are what we think must be done or what we’re supposed to do. But we get productivity wrong. It only matters if you feel accomplished at the end of the day, if you feel that what you’ve done is essential and have made a difference in your or someone else’s life. After all, all the meaningful things in life are not considered productive—spending quality time with our loved ones, watching the sunset, playing with our pet, laughing, taking photos of precious moments, and dreaming. So freedom is a matter of choice. Give these five steps a try, and eventually make them a habit. That’s when your life will change dramatically and you will feel more alive than ever before. Featured photo credit: Spirited Away, by Stephen Brace via