1. Morning Routines Create Your Future

Does it have to be morning? YES. If you want to set your day up right, you need to set the tone with daily routines. Starting your day with a positive routine such as meditating, gentle stretching or visualizing can set you up for success in whatever you do. Add goal setting to this potent time of the day in order to achieve what you want. A morning routine can be as simple as rolling out of bed, sitting on the floor and lighting a candle. You could use this time to write down your dreams, or journal your thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams.

2. Successful People Meditate

Many celebrities and high profile humans take the time to meditate every day. Meditation allows you to treat each day as a new one, and to reset your thinking from yesterday. When you take the time to sit quietly, you allow yourself to start the day restfully and with awareness, and you give yourself the opportunity for a fresh beginning. A few meditative celebrities: Clint Eastwood, Liv Tyler and Steve Jobs.

3. Successful People Who Struggled

Many people who are successful did not start out that way. In fact, many of them were hit by rejection, denial, and near-defeat. Some of these include: Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey and Fred Astaire, to name a few. What would our world be like if these formidable humans had quit before they realized their potential? Do not quit before the race is over. Get yourself on the starting line and keep going, no matter what.

4. Know What You Want – Review Goals Daily

Having a vision for your life is perhaps the greatest tool that you can utilize in order to get what you want. Identifying what gets you excited can be a complicated process, but the secret is that your needs and wants will change as time goes on. This is a necessary part of the process to figure out what you want and don’t want in your life. In short, you are not going to make a mistake by creating a vision, because it is supposed to change as you grow and evolve.

5. Be Stubborn and Control Your Memories

Get knocked down 4 times, get up 5 times. Ignore the “No’s”, and focus on the successes in your life. When you focus on all of the good things that are coming to you, effectively you are asking the Universe for more of the same. You cannot always ignore the things in your life that are going wrong. However, you do have the power to change your perspective and your thought process. People who excel in life don’t allow the naysayers, critics and haters to control what they do next. When you realize that you are the one in control of your own life, you can begin to step into the vision that you’re creating for yourself. Never, ever give up and don’t surrender to other peoples’ visions of what they think you should be like. You are allowed to change, grow and ultimately become the kind of person who can excel in life. All you have to do is want it badly enough, and keep going even when you feel exhausted and done. If you can heed this simple advice and stay on top of your recipe for success, you will succeed! Featured photo credit: Patrick Hendry via unsplash.com