There are five categories of activities we can do that help us aspire to be remembered. They are:

Social Personal Physical Spiritual Mental

Let’s go through how each of these five categories can help us live a life that people would want to remember us by with a few examples.

Social: Touch People’s Lives

The next time you go to a store, have a look at the name tag for the person who’s serving you. That name tag isn’t there just to look pretty. To you, that person might just be there to be a convenience. However, they have their own hopes and dreams. They might be secretly waiting for someone to reach out to them and see them as more than someone who simply gives change. Say their name and watch the shock come across their face. Maybe they might suddenly smile. It’s amazing how much a simple acknowledgement can make someone come alive.

Personal: Look After Yourself

You are unique. You might not feel that way when people are all around you and you’re made to fit into a certain mold. You might have loved doing something when you were younger, but then let it fall away once you became an adult. What if that was meant to be the thing that you were doing all along? What if that’s what gave your life meaning. If there’s one thing I could recommend, that would be to write. Some people blog, someone people write in a diary. Some people write books. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote to escape the horrors of WWI. What came out of that? The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.

Physical: Your Body Is Your Ferrari

Our bodies are all that we’ve got. Whatever we’re born with we’ve got to use the best out of our ability. Some people try to blame their race. Maybe they’re not slender enough, tall enough, big enough, heavy enough or something else. Blaming is for people who don’t have any accountability for their success. They’re the types that will be forgotten in history. The visualization that I use is that all of our bodies are Ferraris. They’re sleek, powerful, fast and sexy. We might not be anywhere near that right now. Our bodies could be caked in fat and have bad skin. We could be shoveling poor quality fuel into our systems and be outputting some nasty fumes too. But if we believe that our bodies are already a Ferrari and that we simply have to chisel out the definition and fix the transmission and engine, then we will be on our way from being a mediocre nobody to someone who evolved to keep up with his or her mindset.

Spiritual: Look After Your Being

Who are we really? We have such a sure sense of self but in reality, we’re just a bag of bones encased in muscle, skin and flesh. A self-conscious and -aware brain is running the game, sending signals and hormones coursing through our body to suit its needs. You might have never thought about it that way, but that’s the reality of who we are – on a corporal level anyway. On a spiritual level, we have a sense of self and feel like the world contains meaning. We all have something that makes our spirit sing. Do that and do it honestly, whole-heartedly and powerfully. Recognition and being remembered will come with that.

Mental: Your Mind Is Your Control Center

Our minds tell us what to do. If you think about it, they actually called themselves “the brain”, so they know more than we give them credit for. The key is to be aware of this. Some people let emotions get in the way of things and this causes the brain to misfire. There have been some magnificent insights into different fields due to focused thought. If you have an idea that resonates with people, you can be remembered for a long, long time… as long as the idea stays relevant. So there you have it, five ways to live a life that people will remember you by. Which way will you choose to make an impact on this world? Featured photo credit: via