Volunteering is an amazing activity it presents you the opportunity to share your time and talents freely for a great cause. It is a great alternative for those who would like to contribute to a cause, but don’t have the money to donate. Here are five wonderful things that will happen when you start volunteering:

1. You’ll improve lives when you start volunteering

Peoples lives are improved everyday because someone was an inspiration to them while volunteering. When you make the choice to volunteer sometimes you will never know the beautiful effect your good deed will have on so many others in the world. You could inspire someone to be the next Entrepreneur, Inventor or Artist and it sparks a chain reaction. Academy Award Winner Denzel Washington said as a child he attended the boys and girls club. Mr. Washington has shared with the world how the boys and girls club has improved his life and he returned to be the national spokesperson for the club. This is a perfect example of how helping someone plants the seed to inspire them to help others.

2. You’ll become more connected with others

Volunteering allows you to meet new people and establish great connections. If you have recently moved to a new city volunteering can help expose you up to fresh new connections. What better way to meet new friends or members in a community than by volunteering to solve a problem within the community or world.

3. You’ll learn more about yourself

Volunteering gives you the opportunity to grow in many ways, one way is to learn more about yourself. Every time I decided to volunteer I have learned something new about myself in the process. It may be something as simple as you prefer working outdoors like gardening, or prefer working indoors on computers. Who knows you may even discover a new passion in life after loving your volunteer position so much. Volunteering brings to light so many different positions and opportunities to make a difference that you otherwise would not know exists. Websites like Volunteermatch.org allows you to view volunteer positions with different organizations wherever you are and it matches you with your interests so you can find the right opportunity for you.

4. You’ll decrease your risk of mortality

A recent research study by the Corporation of National & Community services has shown that people who volunteered 100 hours over the course of a year were healthier than those who do not volunteer. It was stated that “Some of the health benefits included having longer lives, lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression.”

5. You’ll experience a boost in happiness

Have you ever experienced a warm and happy feeling when volunteering? I know I have, its a real joy to know that you are able to contribute to helping make someones day a little brighter. If you are in between jobs, retired, or dealing with hardships in life use your time to volunteer it will boost your happiness, self esteem and lift your mood to help solve a problem and strengthen the community. Sometimes life can hand us some hard times that will take a hit at your confidence. You may feel like you have nothing to contribute but there are a variety of organizations and volunteer positions that desperately needs you. There are so many different organizations out there just waiting for great people like you to get involved and share your talents and time. Find a great cause that you relate to or want to be part of and just get out there and do it. Featured photo credit: Luo Ting/ by Jonathan Kos-Read via imcreator.com