1. Gambling addiction 

In the old days, you could easily avoid gambling addictions by simply avoiding certain places such as casinos, but now gambling is at your fingertips with just a few swipes on your smartphone screen. Even children can enjoy gambling games in the free apps section. This is making it a lot harder for people to overcome and treat gambling addictions and before you know it you are starting to sell home to afford your gambling addiction. Don’t gamble on your phone, if you really want to go and gamble, go to an actual casino or buy lottery tickets. Most people who become addicted to gambling are ones that are doing it from their computer/phone out of the convenience of your home. If that option was taken away from people, we would find a lot more people less addicted to gambling because they would have to leave their home in order to do it.

2. TV addiction

TV addictions may not seem as dangerous, but it is actually deadly. So many people suffer from terrible obesity and heart conditions simply because they are spending all of their off-time in front of the TV. It’s hard to spot this type of addiction because you think you are only spending time in front of the TV because you are tired or intrigued by a certain show but you are actually slowly starting to get addicted and could soon be wasting your life away in front of a small square where you could have been making memories.

3. Gaming addiction

It’s not uncommon for gamers to spend all night or even all weekend in front of their computers with a captivating game. Gaming can also become a terrible addiction that doesn’t end with the finishing of a terrific game. If you feel like your children are starting to do this, set a time limit for them each day. By setting a time limit, you will be limiting the amount of time your child will spend in front of a video game and make them fill their time with other non-technology related activities.

4. Internet addiction

The internet itself can be an addiction. People who are addicted to the net will browse popular sites for hours on end and constantly check their social media sites for new gossip or interesting facts. Browsing the net becomes such an addiction, it can actually affect your work and your social life. Even on your phone, you are constantly online checking your social media.

5. Shopping addiction

6. Phone addiction

Spending time on your phone is also an addiction. You become so used to constantly checking your phone that you end up searching for something to do on your phone even when you run out of things to check or to do. May people nowadays even in a room full of people, will take to the internet on their phone instead of having actual conversations with the people around them. Just because technology addictions aren’t as harmful to others as alcohol or drug addictions doesn’t mean they are less serious. If technology is getting in the way of life then it is time to treat your addiction seriously and seek professional help or you will end up living a life you never intended. A good tip to help is to try and stay offline and away from technology as much as possible. Go for walks, actually talk with people, go out and enjoy yourself instead of staying at home surfing online all night.