While summer camping attracts lots of people and bugs, which usually deter wild animals. However, in the winter, there are no bugs, which is a big plus and there are no crowds to leave a mess all around. And then, there is the scenery: all white! Winter camping is definitely not for everyone and it provides a lot of new experiences for those who dare to do this. It also provides a lot of life lessons, some funny, some more realistic.

1. You will see what a really bad morning looks like

If you thought mornings are bad, then you need to experience a morning during winter camping. While waking up in the nature is not bad at all, getting out of the warm sleeping bag and trying to function in the cold is definitely a challenge. However, after you manage to get the fire up and going and make your hot coffee, you will feel confident and proud of yourself.

2. You also learn your financial powers are limited

Winter camping asks for special cold weather camping gear, which is especially designed to keep you warm. But this also means all those sleeping bags, sleeping pads, extra warm clothes and the rest of the gear are more expensive than regular camping gear. Which reminds you that your financial power is limited.

3. You learn to appreciate food more

After a day spent playing in the cold, with snow, there is nothing better than a nourishing meal. Winter camping makes you appreciate food more and it also shows you why humans are meant to eat all types of foods.

4. You learn that cold really brings you closer

When you are winter camping you don’t need to be in love with someone in order to hug him or her: the simple thought of snuggling with someone becomes very attractive. Of course, you can also reap the benefits and snuggle for both romantic interest and warmth.

5. You learn that you’re not invincible

This is the most important thing you will learn while camping in the cold season. If camping in the summer is a breeze, winter camping is a challenge. Couple of mistakes can make the difference between a pleasurable experience and one ending in frostbites. As you try to make it through the day, overcoming the winter storm, you will see how fragile you are. Nature will show you how easy it is for humans to lose the ultimate battle, the battle for life. Because humans are not invincible!

6. You also see what people are really made of

Cold alters one’s personality and takes out the real individual. While your friends will look funny jumping around to warm up, you will soon find out what they are made of. When it’s cold and the conditions are tough, you might discover your friends are not that friendly as you thought they were. And this time it won’t be from what they say, but from what they do. All in one, winter camping is not for everyone, as it tests your abilities. If you do take up the challenge, you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things, both about you and about people who join you in this adventure. Featured photo credit: huckberry via huckberry.com