Here are 7 financial habits that will make you smarter with your money.

1. Be clear and specific

If you want to be smarter with your money, you have to know what you want to accomplish with it. Your financial goals should be written down and well articulated. Know what your annual income and net worth are. You can use this knowledge to set big goals in your business and personal life.

2. Invest

You will have spare change that could either be spent or invested. You can only build wealth by investing and you should make this a habit. You don’t need a lot of money to get started. Simply be willing to research and learn about the advantages of smart investments and how to begin. Take advantage of the money compounding opportunities available and invest that extra cash.

3. Learn to save

Learn to save whatever dollars you can. You don’t have to save big at first. But saving is a habit that can be nurtured. When you are making a lot of money, your lifestyle could dull your senses about the need to save. However, if you can start seeing every extra penny you earn as a tool to paying off your students loans, personal loans, having an emergency fund, or investment account you’ll understand how effective saving can be for you in the long run. It’s better than the short term gains of spending your money now.

4. Automate your finances

Having your finances run on autopilot is a smart money move. Your money should automatically go to savings accounts, investment accounts, and to your creditors. This way you can effortlessly have financial security. Moreover, you are not consumed with paying your dues when you are meant to be working or spending time with people you care about. Payment processing tools like MoonClerk and Due will make sure your money is on autopilot. This way you won’t forget a payment and you’ll have a good solution for automating your extra cash flow.

5. Read finance books

Perhaps this is the one thing the wealthy have over the have-nots. They read. Nobody could have more financial wisdom than you, that’s if you put your heart and mind into growing your stash. It goes beyond whatever formal education you may have. You have to learn to teach and invest in yourself. In this way, you educate yourself about how to become wealthier.

6. Surround yourself with the right people

You can’t negate the power of surrounding yourself with people who can support you with financial advice and knowledge. Successful people who are high earners have the capacity to expand your thinking and boost your income. Most of the time we become like the people we surround ourselves with. You certainly would improve your financial habits when you’re surrounded by people who are smart with their money.

7. Know how much you spend

You can’t be smart with your money when you do not know how much you are spending or giving away. If you want to be sure about how much you can potentially put away, you have to track your daily expenses. There are apps like Mint and Level Money that can help you understand how much you are giving out and how much is coming in. Featured photo credit: via