If truth be told, the word ‘breakfast’ indicates that after a full night’s rest, now you’re ready to break your fast. Your body digests all the food that you’ve eaten during the night. All the nutrients got absorbed in various parts of the body and the feces or waste is ready to get excreted from your body in the morning. It’s the usual process on which your body functions and is called as metabolism. So, now you need a proper, healthy breakfast in the morning to fulfill the body requirements and allow your body parts to function properly. Here, in this article, I’ve designed an IHOP menu that helps you in staying young and healthy.

1. A Glass Of Warm Water With Honey & Lemon

Take a glass of warm water, add a tablespoon of honey and some drops of freshly squeezed lemon into it. Drink it daily as it will help you in secreting the toxins from your body. It is also effective to lose weight, but in a healthy way. Always remember that you have to use warm water. Otherwise, it won’t be effective anymore.

2. Vegetable Soup

The vegetable soup contains natural and essential nutrients that help you to stay young and healthy. Although, the cooking process is not arduous. You just need ingredients such as; 1 tomato, 1 onion, ½ cup of any vegetable along with the bunch of any green leaves. Don’t forget to add ½ teaspoon of cumin and pepper (powdered), ½ teaspoon of salt and 1.5  cups of water. Cook all of these ingredients for at least 12 minutes. Pour the juice into a cup and drink it hot.

3. Fruits

As you know, fruits are imperative; if you want to keep yourself young and healthy. Eating some fruits in the breakfast is essential. Vitamin C rich fruits help in building your immune system. Have some Guava, orange, strawberries, pineapple and papaya as they will help your skin to glow.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is another super breakfast that you need to have, to stay young and healthy. It contains dietary fibers, you’ll feel energetic after eating it and you won’t feel hungry instantly. Also oat meal contains a reasonable amount of carbohydrate, that is useful in giving you energy to feel energised. You won’t definitely feel fueled and agile through the day.

5. Brown Bread

Health specialists recommends you to not to eat white bread as it lacks nutritive value. Always eat 100% wheat bread as it constitutes rich-fiber contents, that helps you to have regular bowel movements. You can also add some nutrients to your bread by making a sandwich with capsicum, carrot, peas, beans and broccoli.

6. Yogurt

Another super breakfast item that you must have in your breakfast is yogurt. It contains whey proteins that help you in losing weight in more of a healthy way. You can make your yogurt even richer by adding some fruits and carrots. It has excellent taste, as well as giving you younger looks.

7. Dry Fruits

As a matter of fact, dry fruits are rich sources of fiber, proteins and minerals. Although they’re quite pricey, they constitute many nutrients in one place, making it worth the price. Dry fruits are quite helpful in reducing the cholesterol level, it also reduces the risk of developing cancer. It adds a beautiful shine to your skin. Take ten almonds and soak them in water overnight. Peel the almond’s skin and eat them in the breakfast. Moreover, Walnut and pistachio help to keep your skin young and glowy Featured photo credit: Serious Eats via seriouseats.com