1. Watermelon If you’re hooked on Popsicles, grab a slice of watermelon instead. The natural sweetness will satisfy your craving while keeping you hydrated. Don’t buy seedless watermelon; the seeds have a number of healthy nutrients such as magnesium, which helps regulate blood pressure and metabolize carbohydrates and lysine, an essential amino acid that plays a role in cardiovascular health and sexual wellness. Other important minerals in the seeds include iron, copper, manganese and zinc.
  2. Fruit Crisps Fruit crisps made with pure oats and any gluten-free flour, such as almond, garbanzo or banana, are significantly better for you than all-American apple pie. Be versatile. Apples are wonderful in a crisp, but berries, peaches and pears are other tasty options. Resist the temptation to have your crisp a la mode.
  3. Rice Cake With Nut Butter Crunchy sweets are almost impossible to turn down. That’s why the Girl Scouts make a fortune selling cookies. Start with a sodium-free wild rice cake. Spread on organic peanut or almond butter. You can top it all off with banana slices, raisins or a generous pinch of flax seeds.
  4. Warmed Fruit Grapefruits, apples, oranges, pears, figs and red grapes are just a few of the fruits that can be transformed into warm, satisfying desserts. You may grill them, bake them or even saute them in healthy cooking oil. Add salt, chopped herbs, a dash of red pepper or citrus zest for flavor. A little goat cheese pairs well with warm fruit.
  5. Yogurt and Toppings The good bacteria in plain yogurt boosts digestive health. You may top yogurt with berries, chopped fruit, seeds, nuts, fresh herbs or a dollop of raw local honey for flavor.
  6. Smoothie You could sip a different fruit smoothie every night for the rest of your life and never taste all the flavor combinations. They may be hard on your blender, but they’re better for you than sugary margarita mix laden with preservatives.
  7. After-Dinner Drink Speaking of margaritas, it’s possible to enjoy healthy versions as after-dinner drinks. Tequila has a bad reputation because people line up shots and often regret it the next day. The truth is that aged, organic tequila from any reputable agave farm is one of the safest alcoholic drinks. The body processes it much faster than other liquors, making it less likely to linger and lead to bad hangovers. The agonizing hangover associated with tequila is more likely due to highly processed, artificially colored margarita mix. If you’re staying in for the night, sip one shot of quality tequila with any fresh fruit juice. Use crushed mint and muddled fruit, such as grapefruit or orange, to create unique flavors. It goes without saying that moderation is key, so try not to overdo it. Otherwise, the calories and sugar in alcohol can quickly add up.
  8. Sorbet Europeans have been on to sorbet for ages. It’s light, refreshing, tasty, and it cleanses the palate. To make a sorbet, blend berries or chopped fruit with water, a little raw honey and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. You may add rosemary, mint or a splash of fruity red wine to enhance flavor. Freeze the mixture until it sets to your liking and you’ll have a dessert that’s far more sensible than ice cream or cake. Weaning off fattening desserts is difficult unless you have replacements. Good ingredients and a little imagination are all you need for creating delicious alternatives.