Here are 8 of his thought-provoking illustrations.

1. We Value Ourselves Based On The Things We See Online

Today lots of people have low self-confidence, and they value themselves by the reaction that they get from other people online. Instead of worrying about how many likes you get on an an Instagram selfie, remember that you are just as valuable as the people that you admire online.

2. Sometimes The Wrong Thing Is The Right Thing

People often worry about breaking society’s rules as they don’t want to be judged, but sometimes the accepted method isn’t actually the best one. This image encourages people to take risks without worrying, as the risk could pay off and could improve their situation.

3. Social Media Rules Our Lives

Today people are obsessed with social media, and it can almost seem like Facebook has become a religion. Most people check their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter every day, but this image encourages people to put down their phones so that they can enjoy the world around them.

4. Do Our Jobs Make Us Happy?

In this image workers look like bees in a honeycomb, frantically completing work for a bigger goal. But the bigger goal isn’t their own; it is the goal of the company who employs them. This image encourages people to follow their own dreams, rather than someone else’s.

5. Aspire To Be Whatever You Want

Society may tell you to act a certain way and do certain things, but you shouldn’t be stereotyped. You can do anything that you want in life – don’t let others tell you that you can’t.

6. Pictures Can Be Deceiving

Someone may look beautiful in a selfie you see online, but that isn’t necessarily a real representation of their life. Lots of people seek validation online, and they often only portray the positive parts of their life. Don’t compare yourself to people you see online, as you only see the things that they want you to see.

7. Focus On Love, Not Social Media

In modern life, lots of people neglect their loved ones to spend time online. This can ruin relationships; instead of looking at your mobile screen, put your phone down and connect with the people that you love.

8. You Decide Who You Are

Others may try to dictate who you are, but you are self-made; you can be anything that you want to be. Featured photo credit: Marco Melgrati via

8 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 978 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 598 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 228 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 518 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 438 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 288 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 558 Illustrations Showing How Modern Life Is Killing Us Softly - 61