Take a quick walk outside

Your body has a natural need for napping in the afternoon, so take a quick walk before you clock back in. You will burn some of those calories you just ate, loosen up your body—before chaining it back to your desk—and get some sunshine, which will give your body some much-needed Vitamin D. The last item on that list has the following benefits:

Increases energy, immunity, mood, and alertness Reduces stress, tension, body-aches, and pain Provides healthier and more vibrant skin

Do some stretches at your desk

Sitting hunched over at your desk could produce chronic back pain and poor posture, and who wants that? Nobody, anywhere, ever, so do some quick light stretches to wake your body up and stretch out your kinks. Get up and do two or three simple stretches per hour to have a swagger that expresses confidence and stay awake after lunch.

Nourish your body with quality nutrition

If your lunch includes sugar-laden soda and processed carbs from a fast food restaurant down the block, don’t be surprised when your energy crashes within an hour. Instead, eat a meal that includes healthy fats and protein. Some positive options include things like:

Grilled chicken or steak salad Almonds, walnuts, and other tree nuts Bananas, apples, oranges, berries, or any other delicious fruit your heart desires

You might want to consider preparing a healthy lunch the night before so it’s ready to go, and you can just pick it up and run out the door in the morning.

Splash some cold water on your face

Feeling super groggy? Excuse yourself to the restroom and jolt yourself awake with a splash of cold water to snap back into it.

Chew gum

Bored out of your mind and unable to focus? Keep some gum at your desk and pop in a piece when times get tough. This will keep you alert by stimulating your facial muscles and increasing the blood flow to your head.

Laugh to your heart’s content

Before you clock back in, watch a funny video on YouTube or read your favorite comic strip and have a hearty laugh. This will boost your mood and help you stay wake. For bonus points, give one of your co-workers the opportunity to show you how hysterical they are by asking them to tell you one of their favorite jokes.

Give your eyes a break

Staring relentlessly at a computer screen will strain your eyes and cause tiredness and fatigue. Every few minutes, focus your attention elsewhere for a brief moment. You could make this time more productive by grabbing a note-pad and making a quick list of the important tasks you need to accomplish before the day is over.

Be aware of the source of your ails

The other seven tips will give you a quick fix that will help you stay awake after lunch, but if you want to have a consistent energy boost to carry you through your days, you need to figure out why you are so tired in the first place. Are you getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night? Are you nourishing your body with healthy food that will provide you with the quality nutrition you deserve? Lifestyle changes might not be sexy, but they are your best bet if you want to feel more energetic and alert every single day. If you don’t get enough sleep, you might want to check out these eight ways to improve your sleep.

How do you stay awake after lunch?

If you have any tips to add to this list, please tell us all about it in the comments!