This behavior is confirmed by how many people spend so much time in editing a photo to post on Social Media just to get those likes. Every like is like a validation of something. How smart or beautiful we are. so what happens when your entourage is not having a good day or just not affirming what you want? Well, it’s not their job nor their place. There are valid reasons [1] why you need to have positive self image. Here are ways you can ensure you have positive affirmations to validate yourself every single day.

As we age, we tend to focus more on what we lack

Your mind is the ultimate battlefield. Most people make decisions based on their past experiences and things they have seen. That’s why as we get older we tend to be a bit more pessimistic, as this study done in 2013 called, Psychology and Aging [2], shows. So, its ideas and re programing of the mind that needs to get undone almost daily. You need to tell yourself every day that you are good enough, smart enough and strong enough. With enough repetition and consistency, it will start believing what it hears. As right now it can’t tell the difference between reality and sub-consciousness, so when you start telling yourself, you start believing and you see yourself becoming what you confirm. Fake it till you make it.

You don’t have to undo your weaknesses

We spend too much time trying to undo our weaknesses and being something we are not. This is also a wrong approach. Embracing your flaws is not only more effective but it can help you overcome them. If for example you’ve been told that you’re too emotional and sensitive, don’t be emotional and sensitive, that’s almost like erasing your own DNA. Your weaknesses are on the opposite end of your strengths, like a con to every pro. Being a perfectionist probably stems from having an eye that’s attentive to detail and etcetera. So, what you need to do, is; create a line in the middle to journal all your flaws and any other negative, self-limiting beliefs on the one side and then on the other side write what you think compliments that flaw. If you think you’re too bossy, next to it write leadership abilities. If you’re too competitive, next to it, say ambitious. Writing things down helps you visualize and actualize them. When you’ve written your pros and cons, try find the balance. Next time you speak to someone be mindful of how you come across, if you’re being too aggressive it’s probably because you want to get your point across, take a moment and remind yourself of that fine line from your journal. Maybe raising your voice is not the best option. If you in a leadership position ask yourself, when dealing with sub ordinates, if you’re being bossy or a leader and from there you’re able to work your way around it.

Say it out loud every morning

When you look in the mirror every morning, have a conversation with yourself. If you need to close a deal, tell yourself that you can and therefore you will. This may sound silly but it takes us back to point number one, when you hear it enough times, you start believing it and what you believe you then become. So speak your vision into your reality. In due time your life will catch up with your thoughts

Nothing good ever comes from envy and self-hate

There is just something about society and that green lawn. The grass is greener on the other side because they’ve put more work into it. to be and have the things you want, and/or envy is simply a matter of working hard for it. nothing good ever comes from envy and self-hate. Being aware of the things you are grateful for and reminding yourself how fortunate you are just to be alive, goes a long way when you want validation or need a boost. Every day is an opportunity for you to do a better job on yourself than you did yesterday. Realizing and appreciating what you have and how far you’ve come is the affirmation you need to believe that you are worthy and deserving.

Listen to everything and be attached to nothing

Critics are an essential part of life and we need criticism to grow. Every garden needs the rain to pour for it to grow but it can’t rain forever, otherwise we would never be able to enjoy the beauty that is summer and spring flowers. That’s exactly how nature works, with every bad comes the good. If someone says something negative or critical of you, hear them out, assess, see if it’s useful or not and then, move on whether it’s your parents or your boss. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. Don’t hold onto what they said and how much it hurts you. there’s always a lesson to be learnt in pain, make sure you learn it, grow wiser and keep moving forward